
a simplified combined sveltekit app for junior aventurers

Primary LanguageSvelte

Junior Adventurers

This is a sveltekit app with a grpahql API at /api/graphql. a graphiql interface is included for convenience at /graphiql.html

Set up

Make sure you have a .env file like:


if you are using a sqlite database, as in this example, the file path is relative to the schema.prisma file located by default in prisma/

You may need to run npx prisma db push to ensure the database is properly set up once you have your .env file set up.

Finally, you need to generate the prisma client with npm run generate.


Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev


To create a production version:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.