
Ship It API & Frontend

Primary LanguagePython

Ship It API and Frontend

See api and frontend READMEs for more details on each.

Local Development

Use docker-compose up to run them both. The API will be available at https://localhost:8015. The frontend will be available at https://localhost:8010

Deployed Environments

We have a number of deployed Ship It environments. All of the backends respond to pushes to different Docker tags in https://hub.docker.com/r/mozilla/release-services. Each frontend has its own S3 bucket that is deployed to as part of CI on a particular branch. Below are further details about each:


Deploys in response to pushes to the production branch, if the CloudOps Stage deployment in successful (see below).

There is also a "CloudOps Stage" environment (which is different than the "Staging" environment below) that is deployment as part of the production pipeline. When a production deployment begins, Jenkins first deploys to this environment. If that deployment succeeds, the deployment proceeds. If it fails, the deployment is aborted. The URL for this backend is https://stage.shipitapi.nonprod.cloudops.mozgcp.net.


Deploys in response to pushes to the staging branch.

Two important notes about staging:

  1. The backend URL is actually a CNAME for dev.shipitapi.nonprod.cloudops.mozgcp.net. Despite the fact that the real FQDN says "dev", we refer to this environment as "staging".
  2. There is also a CloudOps environment known as "stage", at stage.shipitapi.nonprod.cloudops.mozgcp.net, which we do not use (more on that in the "CloudOps staging" section below).


Deploys in response to pushes to the testing branch.