
Arduino KMP Synology database logger for Kamstrup 602

Primary LanguageArduino


Using an Arduino Uno R3 and Arduino WiFi Shield to read parameters of a Kamstrup 602 (by using the KMP protocol). Readings are transfered to a Synology NAS running MySQL. PHP and Java script code can be used to show readings as graphs. This project makes use of the KMPSoftwareSerial and Time libraries (present in the Library repository). The physical interface between the Kamstrup KMP and the Arduino I/Os is as follows: The Arduino output connects to the KMP REQ terminal through a 1 kOhm resistor. The Arduino input connects directly to the KMP DAT terminal with a 10 kOhm pull-up resistor connected to the Arduino +5 VDC terminal. Arduino GND connects directly to the KMP GND terminal.