
Inspecting CSS-in-JS output from popular libs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CLI scripts for inspecting the output from popular CSS-in-JS libs. Supported so far:

(To properly support linaria, and to support astroturf, may require using webpack JS API).


  1. Each source file must (A) import React, as well as whatever CSS-in-JS library functions they are using, and (B) export a React component called Test, as a named export (not default).
  2. These source files must be placed in their CSS-in-JS library-respective subfolder under src.

Open a terminal and run the appropriate script for your source file:

# for files under src/emotion/
yarn emotion source-filename.jsx

# for files under src/styled-components/
yarn styled-components source-filename.jsx

# for files under src/linaria/
yarn linaria source-filename.jsx

Check the existing source files for examples 😉.

Reference Links

Emotion 11 (next) https://deploy-preview-1600--emotion.netlify.app/ emotion-js/emotion#1600

Styled Components https://styled-components.com/docs/advanced#server-side-rendering

Linaria https://github.com/callstack/linaria https://linaria.now.sh/

Astroturf https://github.com/4Catalyzer/astroturf