
Reverse engineering JavaScript and CSS sources from sourcemaps

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Reverse engineering JavaScript and CSS sources from sourcemaps

Getting started

Install the reverse-sourcemap-tool command line utility globally with npm. Elevated privileges might be needed via sudo, depending on the platform. In most cases just:

npm i -g reverse-sourcemap-tool

Command line options

The output of reverse-sourcemap-tool --help pretty much covers all the options:

Usage: reverse-sourcemap-tool [options] <file|directory>

  -h, --help               Help and usage instructions
  -V, --version            Version number
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output, will print which file is currently being processed
  -o, --output-dir String  Output directory - default: .
  -M, --match String       Regular expression for matching and filtering files - default: \.(map|js|css)$
  -r, --recursive          Recursively search matching files

Version 1.0.10