
A plugin for CodeMirror for code demos with React bindings

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CodeMirror Movie

A plugin for CodeMirror editor for creating interactive code demos. See Emmet Documentation web-site for examples.


How to use

There are three easy steps to add CodeMirror Movie into your editor:

  • Add movie.css and movie.js files into your page. The JS file must be added after CodeMirror main file since it extends CodeMirror object.

  • In <textarea> to be converted into CodeMirror editor, add the initial content of the editor and movie scenario, separated by @@@. Use | character to indicate initial caret position:

<textarea id="code">
&lt;!doctype html&gt;
&lt;html lang="en"&gt;
type: Hello world
wait: 1000
tooltip: Sample tooltip
  • Initiate movie with JavaScript:
// pass textarea ID or textarea itself to CodeMirror.movie
var movie = CodeMirror.movie('code');

// start playback

Look at full example for more info.

Movie commands

Movie scenario is defined by a series of commands to be performed. Commands tell movie what to do, for example: “type something, wait for a second and show a tooltip”. Commands are described by a simple name: value pair, each command must be written on its own line.

Every command can accept a number of options as JS object. By default, each command has good defaults and can accept only one, the most important option (marked as bold in the reference below). So, for example, type: Hello world and type: {text: "Hello world"} commands are equal.

Available commands


Types specified text, starting at current caret position, character-by-character.


  • text (String): text to type
  • delay (Number): delay between character typing, milliseconds. Default is 60.
  • pos (Position): initial position where to start typing (see “Position object” below for description).


Wait for a specified amount of time and executes next command

  • timeout (Number): wait timeout, milliseconds.


Moves caret to given position. By default, this action calculates optimal horizontal and vertical offsets and moves caret in “natural” manner, character-by-character.

  • pos (Position): designated caret position (see “Position object” below for description).
  • delay (Number): delay between caret movements, milliseconds. Setting this option to 0 will move caret immediately to designated position.


Alias to moveTo command with delay: 0 option.


Performs given CodeMirror command.

  • command (String): command name to execute.
  • beforeDelay (Number): delay before actual command execution, milliseconds. Default is 500, which improves user experience.
  • times (Number): how many times the command should be executed. Defaults to 1. Each command call is delayed with beforeDelay milliseconds.


  • to (Position): the selection end (see “Position object” below for description).
  • from (Position): the selection start. Defaults to current caret position.


Displays tooltip with given text, waits for a specified delay and automatically hides it.

  • text (String): tooltip text, may contain HTML.
  • wait (Number): Number of milliseconds to wait before hiding tooltip.
  • pos (Position): position where tooltip should be displayed (see “Position object” below for description). Default to current caret position.


The same as tooltip command, but doesn’t hide tooltip, explicitly call hideTooltip command to do so. You should use these commands in cases when you want to display a tooltip, execute some other commands and then hide tooltip.


Emulates prompt dialog: shows input box and types “user input” character-by-character.

  • text (String): required “user input”.
  • title (String): prompt dialog title, default is “Enter something”.
  • delay (Number): delay between character typing, milliseconds. Default is 80.
  • typeDelay (Number): delay before actual input typing, milliseconds. Default is 1000.
  • hideDelay (Number): delay before hiding prompt dialog, milliseconds. Default is 2000.

Position object

Some actions can accept Position object which can contain one of the following value:

  • Number – character index in text editor.
  • line:char (String) — line and character-in-line indexes (starting from 0).
  • caret (String) — current caret position.

Passing CodeMirror options

To pass CodeMirror editor options (like syntax name), simply add data-cm-* attributes to <textarea> source element. For example, to set CSS syntax highlighting, your textarea may look like this:

<textarea data-cm-mode="text/css">


The movie outline is a sidebar with some useful hints about movie key points. Every time a specified movie command runs, the corresponding outline item is highlighted.

To add outline, simply put ::: separator and outline item content after required movie command:

type: Hello world ::: Typing “Hello world”

Movie API

The movie instance created with CodeMirror.movie() has the following methods:

  • play() — starts movie playback.
  • pause() — pauses movie. The playback can be resumed with play() method.
  • stop() — stops playback and resets editor content to initial state.
  • toggle() — toggles playback (play/pause).
  • state() — returns current playback state: idle, play, pause.


CodeMirror Movie uses Backbone.Events for events subscription and dispatching. Available events:

  • play — movie playback was started.
  • pause — movie playback was paused.
  • resume — movie playback was resumed from paused state.
  • stop — movie playback was stopped.
  • action — invoked when movie command was executed. The callback receives an action index as argument.


The project uses Gulp for building. To build project, run the following command in project’s root folder:

npm install && gulp

The compiled files will appear in ./dist/ folder.