
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Navigation (navigation.py)

d_move(s: Ship, t: Point, blocked) -> The ShipAction to move ship s to t. Each Point is viewed as a node on the graph. The cost of moving to a node is defined by move_cost(). Using Dijkstra to determine the direction for next step.
state['next'] is the positions of ally ships next turn.
blocked = state['next'] + dangerMap. Note that only a ship's future position is labeled as "blocked".

  • Collision prevention is done through recursion (line 165) where if target is an ally who has not moved, and cannot move, blocked and state['next'] are relabelled and d_move() is done again. If the ally can move, then mark the ally position as blocked for the ally and run d_move() on the ally - this will force the ally ship to move to another position.

If impossible to approach the target, try to move in the direction provided by general_naive().

micro_run(s: Ship) -> ShipAction Under immediate danger, predictions are made based on adjacent squares to determine the relative safest square. Move to a square that is empty and with higher friendly control (To be much improved)

direction_to(s:Point, t:Point) -> ShipAction from s to t.

directions_to(s:Point, t:Point) -> ShipAction s from s to t.

dist(a: Point, b: Point) -> Manhattan distance from a to b accounting for wrap.

move_cost(s: Ship, t: Point) -> Number Returns the cost of all edges leading into node t. (See d_move()) Penalizes danger. (See state['danger']). Penalizes adjacent ships with equal halite to reduce collisions. A higher cost will discourage ships from transiting using node t.

unpack(n) -> Returns Point(n // N, n % N) where N is map size. Basically transforms integer to point.

dry_move(s: Point, d: ShipAction) -> Point that is s offset by d

safe_naive(s: Ship, t: Point, blocked) -> Basic movement from s to t that does not really account for obstacles. Run only through d_move() to ensure collision prevention and state['next'] updates.


convert_tasks() Conversion is done by updating a list of both real and imaginary shipyards state['closestShipyard']. Each shipyard is viewed as real by ships. When the ship is at a shipyard but the shipyard does not actually exists (imaginary), it tries to build one. Imaginary shipyards will be added if below

  • 0th turn (immediately build)
  • 0 shipyards (add imaginary shipyard and force closest ship to go to shipyard point)
  • Estimated value of shipyard both above 500 and above the value of a new ship.

ship_tasks() Calculates the target position for each individual ship, and the priority for the ship to go to the target. Stored in state['action']

  • Ship must try to return to closest shipyard under immediate danger.
  • Ship should execute endgame strategy near end of game (return if has halite, else rush opponent)
  • Else, execute reward system.

A list of tasks to consider is generated, in the form of a list of (Cell, 'type'). Eg.(Cell, 'guard') means this is a special guard reward. (Cell, 'cell') signifies normal reward. With each ship as an individual, a reward for each square is evaluated on each step. The reward of each square is calculated through rewards.py. (guard, attack, mine, return) The total reward is then maximized through the Hungarian algorithm, and then each ship is matched with the cell that will generate the highest reward.

  • Finally, execute all target actions (move ship to target in state['actions'] by sorting by priority and executing process_action

process_action(act) Tries to move ship act[1] to point act[2], accounting for convertion specified in convert_tasks.

spawn_tasks() Loops each shipyard. Spawns if conditions below are met.

  • There will not be a friendly ship at the shipyard's position next turn to avoid collision. As all ship actions have been processed, just check state['next']
  • Enough halite in bank AND (
  • Estimated value of a ship is above 500 OR
  • Last shipyard remaining, no defender, enemy will attack )


weights -> list of np array of weights used in rewards.py calculations.

state -> Dictionary. Most important static variable, because it acts as container for every static variable. Key -- value 'configuration' -> Configuration

'me' -> Current player ID

'playerNum' -> Number of players

'memory'[step] -> Past states at step step

'next' -> See navigation.py

'cells' -> Iterable of all the cells on board

'ships' -> Iterable of all the ships on board

'shipyards' -> Iterable of all the shipyards on board

'myShips' -> List of my ships

'enemyShips' -> List of enemy ships

'myShipyards' -> List of my shipyards

'enemyShipyards' -> List of enemy shipyards

'haliteMap' -> NP array. [x][y] represents halite at Point(x,y)

'haliteSpread' -> NP array. [x][y] represents nearby halite at Point(x,y). Through convolution (卷积).

'shipMap' -> NP array. [player_id][x][y] true if player_id ship at Point(x,y)

'shipyardMap' -> NP array. [player_id][x][y] true if player_id shipyard at Point(x,y)

'haliteTotal' -> Number. Total halite.

'haliteMean' -> Number. Mean halite.

'controlMap' -> NP array. [x][y] represents control at Point(x,y). Through convolution. Positive means friendly has higher presence, negative means enemy.

'negativeControlMap' -> NP array. control map but ignores ally units.

ship['blocked'] -> NP array. ship[x][y] true if ship at immediate danger(can die next turn) at Point(x,y).

ship['danger'] -> NP array. [x][y] represents the danger for ship at Point(x,y). Through convolution. Basically control map specific to ship (halite threshold), and ignoring all allies.

'killTarget' -> Player. Who we want to kill. Decided based on asset value.

init(board: Board) update(board: Board)


Updates state


Mining reward (ship -> cell)

Consider distance, halite spread, safety, and current bank.
Try to mine in the rich and near area without being destroyed in the next step.

Attack reward features

  1. Area control
  2. Distance
  3. Cell halite
  4. Whether ship/shipyard belongs to "target", a player selected.

Return reward

  1. Distance
  2. Ship halite
  3. Stored halite

Guarding (Defending a shipyard)

  1. Distance
  2. Stored halite

Spawn rewards

Spawning features

  1. Board step
  2. Opponent ships
  3. My ships
  4. Halite mean

Convert reward

Convertion features

  1. Nearest shipyard (regardless of team) distance
  2. Relative control
  3. Halite spread
  4. Ship shipyard ratio


In the last 30 or so steps, all ships with halite should return. Otherwise, suicide rush on a target.