
WinBle Plugin to use Bluetooth Low Energy in Flutter Windows Desktop

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


win_ble version

Use the WinBle plugin to enable Bluetooth Low Energy in Flutter Windows and pure Dart projects (Windows only)


First initialize WinBle, to initialize on Flutter Windows, get server path using await WinServer.path, and for pure dart projects ( Windows only ) Download BleServer.exe file and place in the same folder, checkout example_dart for more details

  // To initialize on Flutter Windows
  await WinBle.initialize(serverPath: await WinServer.path);

  // For pure dart projects
  await WinBle.initialize(serverPath: "Path of BLEServer.exe file");

Dispose WinBle after using


To Start Scan


 StreamSubscription? scanStream = WinBle.scanStream.listen((event) {
  // Get Devices Here

To Stop Scan



To Connect

 // To Connect
 await WinBle.connect(address);

 // Get Connection Updates Here
 StreamSubscription  _connectionStream =
    WinBle.connectionStreamOf(device.address).listen((event) {
    // event will be a boolean , in which
    // true => Connected
    // false => Disconnected

To Disconnect

  await WinBle.disconnect(address);

To get MaxMtuSize

  await WinBle.getMaxMtuSize(address);

Handle Bluetooth radio

  // To get rdaio status

  // To get updates of radio state
  WinBle.bleState.listen((BleState state) {
    // Get BleState (On, Off, Unknown, Disabled, Unsupported)

  // To turn on radio

  // To turn off radio

Pairing Options

  // To Pair
  await WinBle.pair(address);

  // To UnPair
  await WinBle.unPair(address);

  // To Check if Device can be Paired
  bool canPair = await WinBle.canPair(address);

  // To Check if Device is Already Paired
  bool isPaired = await WinBle.isPaired(address);

Rest All Methods are

  // To Get Services
  var services = await WinBle.discoverServices(address);

  // To Get Characteristic
  List<BleCharacteristic> bleCharacteristics = await WinBle.discoverCharacteristics(address: address, serviceId: serviceID);

  // To Read Characteristic
  List<int> data = await WinBle.read(address: address, serviceId: serviceID, characteristicId: charID);

  // To Write Characteristic
  await WinBle.write( address: address, service: serviceID,  characteristic: charID,  data: data, writeWithResponse: writeWithResponse);

  // To Start Subscription
  await WinBle.subscribeToCharacteristic(address: address, serviceId: serviceID, characteristicId: charID);

  // To Stop Subscription
  await WinBle.unSubscribeFromCharacteristic(address: address, serviceId: serviceID, characteristicId: charID);

  // Get Characteristic Value Updates Here
   StreamSubscription _characteristicValueStream = WinBle.characteristicValueStream.listen((event) {
     // Here We will Receive All Characteristic Events


Requires Windows version >= 10.0.15014

Make Sure to Add this code in your project's =>

/windows/runner/main.cpp file , otherwise Windows Console will open on running Application

if (!::AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS) && ::IsDebuggerPresent()){
// Add this Code
// <------- From Here --------- >
    STARTUPINFO si = {0};
    si.cb = sizeof(si);
    si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;

    WCHAR lpszCmd[MAX_PATH] = L"cmd.exe";
    if (::CreateProcess(NULL, lpszCmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi))
        if (::AttachConsole(pi.dwProcessId))
          ::TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
      } while (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE == GetLastError());
// <------- UpTo Here --------- >

Additional information

Thanks to noble-winrt for initial BleServer Code

This is Just The Initial Version feel free to Contribute or Report any Bug!