
A yaml parser tool for bash script use

Primary LanguageShell

shyaml - A shell yaml parser script

This is a yaml parser for bash script to use simply, like pyyaml lib.

This script is being perfect. I'd be happy to listen your suggestion, and you can write them as issues.

Shyl object

For temporary store yaml key-value pairs, there defined a data structure (named Shyl).

Shyl object array is created when loaded a yaml file.

Shyl object array will be used when do query task or update value task to a yaml file.

Single shyl object's struct is: key1.key2.key3[n].key4:value

What shyaml can do

This shell script can do more than parsing a yaml file.

  • Load a yaml file and then output a shyl object array

  • Query some the key's value from a shyl object stream

  • Query some the key's value from a yaml file

  • Update some the key's value from a shyl object stream

  • Convert a shyl object array stream to a yaml file

How to use

Give the shyaml script(./shyaml.sh) execution permission before please.

When execute command ./shyaml.sh --help, we would get follow messages:

Usage: ./shyaml.sh [option...]

 -f/load/loadYaml2Shyl <file>               Load a yaml to Shyl object(A shyaml's special data struct)
                                              e.g.: ./shyaml.sh -f service.yaml
 -g/getValue/getShylValue <key>             Query a key(multi keys must combined with '.')'s value from a Shyl object
                                            !!You must load a yaml file firstly
                                              e.g.1: ./shyaml.sh -f service.yaml -g key1.key2
                                              e.g.2: ./shyaml.sh -f service.yaml |  -g key1.key2
 -gy/getYamlValue/getValueByYaml <key>      Query a key(multi keys must combined with '.')'s value from just from a yaml file
                                              e.g.: ./shyaml.sh -gy key1.key2 service.yaml
 -s/setValue/setShylValue <key> <value>     Set a key(multi keys must combined with '.')'s value from a Shyl object
                                            !!You must load a yaml file firstly
                                              e.g.1: ./shyaml.sh -f service.yaml -s key1.key2 new_value
                                              e.g.2: ./shyaml.sh -f service.yaml |  -s key1.key2 new_value
 -c/save/saveShyl2Yaml <file>               Create a yaml file by a Shyl object
                                            !!You must load a yaml file firstly
                                              e.g.1: ./shyaml.sh -f service.yaml -c s.yaml
                                              e.g.2: ./shyaml.sh -f service.yaml |  -c s.yaml
 -h/--help                                  Display  usage

So, you can use a single command with '-f' and '-g[y]|-s|-c' to finish complex mission.

Parse scope

So far, shyaml can handle follow yaml content types:

  • Simple key value pair, e.g.
a: 1
b: 2

Converting to shyl object array is:

  • Array value, e.g.
- b: 1
    d: 2
- b: 3
    d: 4

Converting to shyl object array is:

  • Value is between in '{}', e.g.
a: 1
b: {x: "",y: 123}

Converting to shyl object array is:

b:{x: "",y: 123}

No more others...(Keep addiing)