
Demo for solana go-binding

Primary LanguageRust


Demo for solana go-binding


Solana doesn't official support Go SDK to interact with onchain solana program. So I want to find out another way to interact with solana program in go program.

Solana support Rust SDK, and Rust ffi(foreign function interface) allow calling rust code from c. We can add some hint to rust code:

pub unsafe extern  "C" fn test_call_by_go(...) { ... }

The extern "C" makes this function adhere to the C calling convention, and no_mangle attribute turns off Rust's name mangling, so easy to link. Then we can add crate-type to cargo.toml to build cdylib. Now cargo build can generate corresponding cdylib.

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

Then we can use cbindgen tool to generate c header files.

Now we have c header file and cdylib. we can use cgo to use these in go languange:

//#cgo LDFLAGS: -L../client/target/debug/ -lgobinding_contract
//#include "go_binding_demo.h"
import "C"

Be aware of that we have to use libc type in extern C rust function's arguments. For example, if I want to pass a string to extern C rust function, I can use *libc::c_char instead of String/Str.


0. setup environment

Make sure you already install solana, rust, go, cargo, cbindgen

1. build solana program and deploy

start local solana testnet

solana config set --url

build program and deploy

cd program
cargo build-bpf
solana program deploy target/deploy/helloworld.so

2. generate cdylib and c header from client

Cd client
cargo build
cbindgen --config cbindgen.toml --crate gobinding-contract --output ../go/go_binding_demo.h

3. run go demo

Cd go
go run go_binding_demo.go ../program/target/deploy/helloworld-keypair.json

expected output :

Test Solana Go Hello World
Connected to remote solana node running version (x).
(x) lamports are required for this transaction.
(x) greetings have been sent.


Some rust code are copied from https://github.com/ezekiiel/simple-solana-program.