_______________________________________________________________________________________________ C F D W A R P CFD Code for Plasma & Reactive Flow _______________________________________________________________________________________________ CFDWARP is a 100,000+ line C code that is specifically tailored to simulate efficiently plasma and reactive flows occurring in aerodynamics, combustion, hypersonics, re-entry, lightning, and fuel reforming. CFDWARP is a high-order compressible flow solver that uses state-of-the-art flux discretization schemes suitable for Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and Implicit Large Eddy Simulation (ILES). CFDWARP is superior to other non-neutral plasma codes in two ways: (a) CFDWARP is the first CFD code that integrates the electron and ion equations along with the bulk flow equations using aerodynamic-scale (i.e. microsecond and higher) integration steplengths, permitting the simulation of non-neutral plasmas in about the same amount of computing effort as non-ionized reactive flows (see https://doi.org/10.2514/1.J054624). (b) CFDWARP is the first implicit solver for gas dynamics that preserves the positivity of the partial densities and of the pressure, permitting the integration of chemically- reacting flows in which a vacuum form such as blast waves or lightning (see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2018.01.046) Please read the file CONTRIB for the list of the CFDWARP contributors. Please read the file COMPILE for compilation instructions on a UNIX machine. Please read the file USAGE for instructions on how to operate the CFDWARP code.