
Django model field encrypt/decrypt your data, keep secret in database.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT




The maintainer tcitry has resigned from luojilab, he won't contribute this project ever, the latest code please refer: tcitry/django-mirage-field.


A Django model fields collection that encrypt your data when save to and decrypt when get from database. It keeps data always encrypted in database. Base on AES, it supports query method like get() and filter() in Django.

Mirage can also migrate data from origin column to encrypted column in database with a good performance.


  • Use settings.SECRET_KEY as secret key default or anyelse which length >= 32
  • Support CharField, TextField, IntegerField, EmailField
  • Support Django ORM's get(), filter() query method
  • Support AES-256-ECB and AES-256-CBC(v1.2.0)
  • Support PostgreSQL and MySQL database
  • Support Django model field db_index and unique attributes


pip install django-mirage-field


from mirage import fields
class TestModel(models.Model):
    age = fields.EncryptedIntegerField()
obj = TestModel.objects.get(age=18)
obj.id          # 1
obj.age         # 18
type(obj.age)   # int
database=# select * from testmodel where id = 1;
         id          |           age
 1 | -bYijegsEDrmS1s7ilnspA==
from mirage.crypto import Crypto
c = Crypto()                      # key is optional, default will use settings.SECRET_KEY
c.encrypt('some_address')               # -bYijegsEDrmS1s7ilnspA==
c.decrypt('-bYijegsEDrmS1s7ilnspA==')   # some_address


  • MIRAGE_CIPHER_MODE (v1.2.0+)
  • MIRAGE_CIPHER_IV (v1.2.0+)


You can use the settings.SECRET_KEY as default key, if you want custom another key for mirage, set the MIRAGE_SECRET_KEY in settings.

Mirage will get the settings.MIRAGE_SECRET_KEY first, if not set, mirage will get the settings.SECRET_KEY.


MIRAGE_CIPHER_MODE is optional, choices are below, If don't set, default is ECB.

  • ECB
  • CBC


MIRAGE_CIPHER_IV is optional, if you don't set, it will use a default: "1234567890abcdef", it's length must be 16.

Model Fields

  1. EncryptedTextField
  2. EncryptedCharField
  3. EncryptedEmailField
  4. EncryptedIntegerField
  5. EncryptedURLField(v1.3.0+)

Data Migrate


Way 1. Migrations

add app_name,model_name,field_name in migrations.RunPython

from mirage.tools import Migrator

migrations.RunPython(Migrator("app_name", "model_name", "field_name").encrypt, reverse_code=Migrator("app_name", 'model_name', 'field_name').decrypt),

Way 2. Commands


  • --app
  • --model
  • --field
  • --method (optional: encrypt, decrypt, encrypt_to, decrypt_to, copy_to)
  • --tofield (need when use encryt_to, decrypt_to, copy_to method)

Optional options:

  • --offset ("select * from xxx where id > offset")
  • --total ("select * from xxx order by id limit total")
  • --limit: set the query count in every update, default is 1000, if you set -1, mirage will query all rows one time to update.


./manage.py mirage --app=yourapp --model=testmodel --field=address --method=encrypt --offset=2000000 --total=3000000

./manage.py mirage --app=yourapp --model=testmodel --field=address --method=encrypt_to --tofield=encrypted_address


from mirage import exceptions
  1. EncryptedFieldException


With ECB mode

Migrate data: 6000,000 columns takes 40 minutes, Average 1 column/2.5ms

Only encrypt/decrypt: Average 1 value/ms
