CSV Wrapper

This repository provides a C language interface for a CSV file processing library written in Rust.

Clone the Repository

First, clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/luoliwoshang/csv-wrapper
cd csv-wrapper

Build the Project Build the project using Cargo to generate the dynamic library:

cargo build --release

Generate Header File

Generate the C language header file using cbindgen:

cbindgen --config cbindgen.toml --crate csv_wrapper --output csv_wrapper.h

This step will create a header file named csv_wrapper.h based on the Rust code and the configuration specified in cbindgen.toml.

Install dylib-installer

Install the dylib-installer tool, which is used to install dynamic libraries:

cargo install --git https://github.com/hackerchai/dylib-installer

Install Dynamic Library

Use dylib-installer to install the built dynamic library into the system directory:

sudo dylib_installer -d ./target/release/