
falabaac is the free software for LC-AAC encoder, very good quality

Primary LanguageC

Version  : v2.1.0.226 (2013-03-03)

Author   : luolongzhi (Chengdu China)
           ??????     (?й??ɶ?)

Contact  : luolongzhi@gmail.com

Note     : falabaac is the free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it.
           The purpose of falabaac is supply to better quality and more fast aac 
           encoder and guide you to study aac encode alogrithm.

           Besides, falabaac is one part of the falab software. falab is the software
           which give different modules or project to study and develop signal process.


Normal User:

*  Linux OS
shortcut:  make --> sudo make install  -->OK --> run "falabaac --help" command   (WARN: check gcc manually by yourself)

1. Under falabaac folder(main folder, first level folder), type "make", and falabaac file will be generated;
2. type "sudo make install", and the falabaac will be installed

*  Windows OS
shortcut:  open FALABAAC.DSW  -->select libfalabaac and falabaac project and rebuild  -->run

1. Open the frontend/win/FALABAAC.DSW project workspace
2. Project->Set Active Project->libfalabaac 
   Rebuild the libfalabaac project , the libfalabaac.lib will be generated in the libfalabaac/win/ folder
3. Project->Set Active Project->falabaac 
   Rebuild the falabaac project , the falabaac will be generated in the Debug or Release folder for you choice
4, Run


I. Install and Build the developement enviroment
*  Linux OS
1. Under falabaac folder, type "make", and falabaac file will be generate;
   You can also find libfalabaac.a and libfalabaac.so file under libfalabaac folder, you can use this 
   2 lib to develope, and the .h file you can find under ./include
   Besides, you can also type "make DEBUG=Y" to generate falabaac_g which is debug version, and you can use 
   gdb to debug and trace it.
2. type "sudo make install", and the falabaac will be installed, moreover, the libfalabaac.a and libfalabaac.so
   will be installed under /usr/local/lib, the fa_aacapi.h will be installed under /usr/local/include/. 

*  Windows OS
   I already created the libfalabaac and falabaac project and workspace, but if you want to create by yourself and 
   do other developement, you can follow the steps below(just for your reference):
1. create the libfalabaac static library in VC6.0
   1) New->Projects->Win32 Static Library->
      select the folder you want to located(my folder position can be your reference)->
      Finish the project create
   2) you'd better to set some project parameters for you static library, I did below for your reference:
      Project->Settings->C/C++->Category: Code Generation->
      Use run-time library->Multithreaded
      (change to multithreaded, you can use this library for multithread programming)

      hit the '>' to go to the last tab "Post-build step"->
      Input: copy ..\fa_aacapi.h ..\..\include
             copy ..\fa_inttypes.h ..\..\include 
             copy ..\Release\libfalabaac.lib .\      or      copy ..\Debug\libfalabaac.lib .\
             (WARN: in VC the path use "\", different from in Linux "/")
   3) Then build your project, libfalabaac.lib will be generated if success
3. create the falabaac project in VC6.0, below is the steps 
   1) New->Projects->Win32 Console Application (MUST select Console Application, NOT select the Win32 Application)->
      select the folder you want to located->Finish
   2) you'd better to set some project parameters for you debuging and running link to the static library libfalabaac.lib
      Project->Settings->C/C++/Category: Preprocessor->
      Input below in the third edit empty blank(Addtional Include directory:)
      ..\..\include  (NOTE: then the falabaac project can find the header in the include folder)

      add the libfalabaac.lib in the Object/library module blank:   ..\..\libfalabaac\win\libfalabaac.lib
   3) Then build your project , falabaac will be generated if success

II. 3 API functions 
    There are 3 functions in fa_aacapi.h, it is very easy to learn and detail description in the fa_aacapi.h, also you can 
    study it from main.c under the frontend folder.

    API functions:
    uintptr_t fa_aacenc_init(int sample_rate, int bit_rate, int chn_num, float quality, int vbr_flag,
                             int mpeg_version, int aac_objtype, int lfe_enable,
                             float band_width,
                             int speed_level,
                             int time_resolution_first);
    void fa_aacenc_uninit(uintptr_t handle);
    void fa_aacenc_encode(uintptr_t handle, unsigned char *buf_in, int inlen, unsigned char *buf_out, int *outlen);

III. Others
1.  This software was designed to be high moduled structure, many modules can be reused for other smiliar project such as fa_fft,
    fa_mdct, fa_psychomodle2, fa_lpc, fa_levinson, fa_fir, fa_corr, fa_fastmath, fa_bitbuffer, fa_bitstream, fa_mdctquant....
    only the files fa_aac*** maybe only be used in aac encoder and decoder. you can extract any module you need. 
2.  There are no any global variables in the code(except the rom constant global table), it is good for multithread enviroment, 
    and any module follow the malloc handle and free handle rule. In the process, there are no any malloc and free code, 
    it is safe for long time running!!
3.  The complicated mathmatic functions like pow,sin,cos,log are can replaced by the fast funtion in fa_fastmath.h, can speed up
    the to different platform and enviroment.
4.  I try use arm-linux-gcc to compile it, it can be compiled successfully, but I didn't test on ARM platform, you can try it.
5.  The encoder sound quality I tested is good(I think!), I test scan frequency and many audio, it is stable and good! you can 
    do the sound quality test and experiment.
    you can download the EBU test audio file frome the web site below to do sound quality test:

    If you have any problems, you can email to me (luolongzhi@gmail.com), and I will reply to you in my spare time.