
Pygeoapi installation with PostGIS database for laji.fi occurrence data

Primary LanguagePython

Pygeoapi for laji.fi occurrence data

Pygeoapi server installation with PostGIS database for laji.fi occurrence data.

Docker Installation (Local)

To install and run the Pygeoapi instance locally, follow these steps:

1. Clone the directory

git clone https://github.com/luomus/laji-pygeoapi.git

2. Go to the directory

cd laji-pygeoapi

3. Create .env file only for local use, for example:



Variable name Definition Default value
POSTGRES_DB The database name my_geospatial_db
POSTGRES_USER The database user postgres
POSTGRES_PASSWORD The password associated with the default user not set
POSTGRES_HOST The host running the database postgres
PAGES Integer to download a specific number of pages. "0" to empty the database. "all" to add all data (this takes a lot of time), "latest" to add only the latest data after the last update latest
BRANCH The GitHub branch dev
MULTIPROCESSING Enables ("True") or disables ("False") multiprocessing when downloading data from the source APIs False
RUNNING_IN_OPENSHIFT "True" when Pygeoapi is running in an OpenShift / Kubernetes environment. "False" when locally in a Docker. False
ACCESS_TOKEN API Access token needed for using the source APIs. See instruction: https://api.laji.fi/explorer/ loremipsum12456789

4. Run docker command:

docker compose up --build
  1. That's it! Your Pygeoapi instance with the PostGIS database should now be up and running.


Once the Docker container is up and running, you can access the Pygeoapi service through your web browser. By default, the service is available at http://localhost:5000.


The configuration file for Pygeoapi is named pygeoapi-config.yml. You can modify these files in a text editor to customize the behavior of the Pygeoapi service or connect to a different PostGIS database tables.

To edit the data or database, see Python files in the src folder.

Openshift Installation

See https://github.com/luomus/laji-pygeoapi/blob/dev/openshift/README.md