
:fireworks: Course project for Computer Graphics. An implementation of Moment Shadow Mapping and SSAO.

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Course Project 1 for Computer Graphics


This is the code repository for my first course project for Computer Graphics. I implemented two algorithms in this project: Moment Shadow Mapping and Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.


Shitong Luo, PKU.

List of References


  • Peters, C., Münstermann, C., Wetzstein, N., & Klein, R. (2017). Improved Moment Shadow Maps for Translucent Occluders, Soft Shadows and Single Scattering. Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT), 6(1).
  • Donnelly, W., & Lauritzen, A. (2006, March). Variance shadow maps. In Proceedings of the 2006 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games (pp. 161-165). ACM.
  • Bavoil, L., & Sainz, M. (2008). Screen space ambient occlusion. NVIDIA developer information: http://developers.nvidia.com, 6.

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