
Which is the fastest web framework?

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Which is the fastest?

Build Status

This project aims to be a load benchmarking suite, no more, no less

Measuring response times (routing times) for each framework (middleware).

Results are not production-ready yet

Additional purposes :

  • Helping decide between languages, depending on use case
  • Learning languages, best practices, devops culture ...
  • Having fun ❤️


  • Crystal as built-in tools are made in this language
  • Docker as frameworks are isolated into containers
  • wrk as benchmarking tool, >= 4.1.0
  • postgresql to store data, >= 10


⚠️ On OSX you need docker-machine to use docker containerization

brew install docker-machine
docker-machine create default
eval $(docker-machine env default)



  • Install all dependencies
shards install
  • Build internal tools
shards build
  • Create and initialize the database
createdb -U postgres benchmark
psql -U postgres -d benchmark < dump.sql

Docker can be used to set up the database:

docker run -it --rm -d \
-p 5432:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_DB=benchmark \
-v /tmp/pg-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
--name pg postgres:12-alpine

Wait several seconds for the container to start, then inject the dump:

docker exec pg sh -c "echo \"$(cat dump.sql)\" | psql -U postgres -d benchmark"

After creating the database, export its URL:

export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres@localhost/benchmark"
  • Make configuration
bin/make config
  • Build containers

jobs are either languages (example : crystal) or frameworks (example : router.cr)

bin/neph [job1] [job2] [job3] ...
  • Export all results readme
bin/db to_readme


ℹ️ Updated on 2020-11-17 ℹ️

Benchmarking with wrk

  • Threads : 8
  • Timeout : 8
  • Duration : 15s (seconds)

ℹ️ Sorted by max req/s on concurrency 64 ℹ️

Language Framework Speed (64) Speed (256) Speed (512)
1 go (1.15) fiber (2.2) 185 103.19 196 413.36 195 245.89
2 php (7.4) mark (1.1) 184 527.48 204 273.31 206 849.71
3 go (1.15) gearbox (1.1) 181 041.20 184 724.79 184 629.37
4 go (1.15) router (1.3) 179 515.14 192 131.84 191 505.30
5 go (1.15) gorouter-fasthttp (4.4) 179 176.54 190 858.77 189 798.80
6 go (1.15) atreugo (11.5) 178 760.80 193 054.80 192 355.82
7 go (1.15) fasthttp (1.17) 177 244.69 197 390.65 197 823.11
8 nim (1.4) httpbeast (0.2) 170 543.20 211 769.23 216 054.68
9 javascript (12.18) sifrr (0.0) 160 374.34 201 373.20 205 046.47
10 nim (1.4) whip (0.2) 159 521.37 197 313.03 202 033.21
11 java (11) rapidoid (5.5) 157 917.00 194 460.16 199 374.23
12 java (11) jooby (2.8) 156 094.69 199 416.53 206 906.16
13 kotlin (1.4) kooby (2.8) 154 763.00 204 214.74 211 406.79
14 crystal (0.35) toro (0.4) 150 536.36 184 342.02 186 352.92
15 php (7.4) workerman (4.0) 149 586.26 183 496.39 186 520.71
16 java (11) light-4j (2.0) 149 192.52 196 636.31 203 579.07
17 crystal (0.35) router.cr (0.2) 147 935.89 183 726.33 184 111.74
18 crystal (0.35) spider-gazelle (3.3) 146 670.84 179 027.70 180 512.24
19 crystal (0.35) kemal (0.26) 143 395.54 170 795.76 169 912.17
20 crystal (0.35) grip (4.0) 142 573.44 173 989.55 173 475.32
21 crystal (0.35) amber (0.35) 135 602.39 160 834.61 159 979.48
22 nim (1.4) jester (0.5) 135 016.80 159 063.26 164 177.76
23 crystal (0.35) athena (0.11) 124 416.04 141 849.70 134 981.77
24 go (1.15) rte (0.0) 121 723.82 123 060.83 126 310.78
25 go (1.15) clevergo (0.3) 121 173.43 122 736.86 125 634.07
26 go (1.15) echo (4.1) 120 847.87 122 506.91 125 656.81
27 javascript (12.18) naturaljs-router (0.1.1) 120 464.68 144 322.71 145 433.11
28 go (1.15) httprouter (1.3) 120 084.73 121 059.95 124 217.70
29 go (1.15) gin (1.6) 117 547.24 123 686.95 125 945.40
30 go (1.15) chi (4.1) 116 178.29 115 038.65 119 228.87
31 java (11) act (1.9) 115 463.59 150 637.86 152 527.96
32 go (1.15) gorouter (4.5) 114 252.74 120 568.08 124 122.88
33 go (1.15) violetear (7.0) 113 112.26 112 064.56 115 518.33
34 go (1.15) aero (1.3) 112 998.12 111 870.79 115 546.06
35 php (7.4) simps (1.0) 112 993.83 171 229.56 191 313.90
36 c (11) kore (3.3) 112 436.90 174 449.13 175 668.74
37 go (1.15) webgo (4.1) 112 238.20 110 884.88 114 522.70
38 fsharp (5.0) falco (2.1) 111 671.90 130 294.83 134 389.32
39 go (1.15) goroute (0.0) 111 254.19 109 101.50 113 146.38
40 fsharp (5.0) frank (6.1) 110 908.73 129 821.03 133 959.57
41 go (1.15) kami (2.2) 110 705.99 115 680.64 116 393.68
42 go (1.15) gorilla-mux (1.8) 108 490.63 104 785.78 109 285.82
43 csharp (8.0) aspnetcore (5.0) 106 680.09 123 624.85 127 294.16
44 go (1.15) beego (1.12) 106 391.88 110 470.21 113 633.68
45 go (1.15) air (0.20) 95 049.08 94 009.85 97 683.55
46 csharp (8.0) carter (5.2) 95 038.10 104 909.67 104 827.34
47 php (7.4) nano (0.0.9) 93 647.63 140 160.71 152 394.64
48 go (1.15) goyave (3.4) 91 251.44 91 612.14 96 069.01
49 javascript (12.18) polkadot (1.0) 88 518.35 99 452.05 100 252.17
50 fsharp (5.0) saturn (0.14) 86 962.26 92 484.44 90 208.12
51 java (11) spring-framework (5.3) 85 941.42 91 924.74 93 447.19
52 cpp (11) drogon (1.1) 85 138.05 86 768.96 87 645.27
53 elixir (1.11) cowboy_stream (2.8) 84 990.64 90 017.03 87 861.58
54 ruby (2.7) agoo (2.14) 83 710.76 112 972.76 125 592.04
55 go (1.15) gf (1.14) 83 397.63 90 154.07 92 134.05
56 javascript (12.18) 0http (3.0) 83 138.64 95 641.62 95 840.91
57 php (7.4) one (2.0) 80 749.84 91 223.65 104 318.84
58 javascript (12.18) fastify (3.7) 79 656.40 87 338.85 85 002.42
59 scala (2.13) akkahttp (10.1) 79 367.83 94 743.13 92 302.29
60 javascript (12.18) restana (4.7) 78 837.80 88 852.26 88 664.93
61 swift (5.3) perfect (3.1) 78 728.51 86 895.28 97 110.53
62 java (11) javalin (3.9) 78 671.10 85 689.81 86 618.10
63 javascript (12.18) polka (0.5) 77 705.07 85 188.35 83 851.72
64 php (7.4) hyperf (2.0) 76 947.65 90 438.56 100 286.77
65 kotlin (1.4) http4k (3.275) 75 846.71 90 011.18 93 016.55
66 javascript (12.18) rayo (1.3) 75 737.55 83 255.68 81 702.76
67 c (11) agoo-c (0.7) 74 614.25 186 342.05 203 182.89
68 python (3.8) falcon (2.0) 74 473.87 82 152.60 83 676.93
69 fsharp (5.0) websharper (4.6) 74 389.59 83 300.62 82 856.24
70 java (11) spring-boot (2.3) 74 152.88 82 421.44 82 949.17
71 kotlin (1.4) ktor (1.4) 72 163.19 94 665.18 97 385.70
72 rust (1.47) actix (3.2) 71 930.58 72 682.76 75 204.54
73 java (11) restheart (5.1) 70 384.51 89 370.91 95 056.39
74 javascript (12.18) muneem (2.4) 68 927.65 75 758.00 74 132.28
75 javascript (12.18) nestjs-fastify (7.4) 67 969.87 74 127.66 72 509.62
76 go (1.15) mars (1.0) 67 961.63 69 150.33 73 463.43
77 php (7.4) ubiquity (2.3) 67 173.10 70 165.62 67 519.35
78 php (7.4) comet (0.8) 66 046.87 72 789.40 73 790.66
79 javascript (12.18) foxify (0.1) 64 389.65 70 116.75 68 772.56
80 haskell (8.8) scotty (0.12) 64 024.05 69 035.60 75 195.52
81 rust (1.47) nickel (0.11) 61 641.35 63 143.40 64 163.03
82 php (7.4) chubbyphp-workerman (3.1) 61 198.66 65 690.14 67 004.97
83 java (11) micronaut (1.2) 61 096.61 74 130.90 75 045.30
84 python (3.8) bottle (0.12) 59 823.02 66 003.37 66 465.96
85 javascript (12.18) koa (2.13) 58 872.41 64 096.26 63 010.44
86 clojure (1.1) coast (1.0) 58 627.13 60 511.79 60 238.70
87 javascript (12.18) iotjs-express (0.0) 57 209.62 61 186.59 60 428.64
88 elixir (1.11) cowboy (2.8) 53 837.19 55 702.42 56 245.61
89 python (3.8) apidaora (0.27) 53 742.32 61 183.72 62 339.49
90 swift (5.3) kitura-nio (2.9) 53 547.64 53 130.93 53 402.20
91 swift (5.3) kitura (2.9) 52 637.28 52 850.60 52 822.42
92 php (7.4) siler-swoole (1.7) 51 659.92 65 115.73 69 046.89
93 python (3.8) pyramid (1.1) 51 188.17 54 312.63 55 159.62
94 javascript (12.18) fyrejet-api (2.1) 50 808.66 54 608.87 53 971.44
95 javascript (12.18) moleculer (0.14) 50 426.30 53 183.43 51 941.78
96 swift (5.3) vapor (4.35) 49 740.82 52 555.03 52 563.49
97 scala (2.13) http4s (0.21) 48 087.23 54 732.02 54 717.49
98 python (3.8) blacksheep (0.2) 47 165.53 52 704.03 53 402.13
99 javascript (12.18) fyrejet-uwebsockets (2.1) 47 042.44 49 958.33 49 739.64
100 python (3.8) asgineer (0.8) 46 853.84 53 591.72 55 342.51
101 python (3.8) hug (2.6) 46 534.70 51 520.32 51 581.55
102 fsharp (5.0) suave (2.5) 45 389.55 43 642.99 38 463.21
103 php (7.4) imi (1.2) 44 861.52 50 755.54 51 772.83
104 cpp (11) evhtp (1.2) 44 026.18 45 607.88 45 881.38
105 python (3.8) starlette (0.13) 43 153.05 48 035.00 48 844.40
106 javascript (12.18) hapi (20.0) 42 133.81 45 360.24 44 400.69
107 elixir (1.11) plug (1.10) 41 689.45 44 273.40 43 349.21
108 javascript (12.18) restify (8.5) 41 256.68 45 313.40 44 003.01
109 python (3.8) sanic (20.9) 40 910.05 47 790.25 49 654.98
110 csharp (8.0) simplify.web (4.2) 40 805.15 44 819.00 43 990.35
111 rust (1.47) gotham (0.4) 40 004.13 44 681.30 45 951.93
112 scala (2.13) play (2.8) 39 246.05 42 005.89 42 251.07
113 javascript (12.18) fyrejet (2.1) 38 418.69 42 476.12 41 114.77
114 crystal (0.35) orion (3.0) 37 295.29 36 768.76 34 313.57
115 clojure (1.1) luminus (1.0) 36 675.45 38 604.55 38 433.63
116 elixir (1.11) phoenix (1.5) 35 185.83 38 507.59 38 050.56
117 python (3.8) emmett (2.1) 34 694.78 40 530.19 41 079.10
118 haskell (8.8) servant (0.17) 33 461.15 32 627.84 30 971.21
119 fsharp (5.0) giraffe (4.1) 33 044.95 32 869.99 32 107.07
120 nim (1.4) mike (0.5) 32 061.33 31 504.85 32 000.99
121 crystal (0.35) shivneri (0.16) 31 858.78 31 771.41 28 962.92
122 r (4.0) rserve (1.7) 31 594.93 27 940.16 26 920.39
123 dart (2.10) aqueduct (3.3) 29 194.55 29 062.64 28 895.72
124 php (7.4) chubbyphp-swoole (3.1) 28 650.08 34 576.62 35 316.58
125 javascript (12.18) turbo_polka (0.3) 28 525.26 27 514.51 26 687.20
126 python (3.8) aiohttp (3.6) 27 742.01 31 480.06 33 287.57
127 python (3.8) index.py (0.12) 27 672.79 35 797.82 36 276.89
128 php (7.4) swoft (2.0) 25 979.01 31 070.42 31 913.64
129 python (3.8) responder (2.0) 25 567.94 31 423.05 32 172.10
130 php (7.4) sw-fw-less (preview) 24 727.26 30 144.22 31 029.73
131 ruby (2.7) syro (3.2) 24 648.71 24 952.30 23 476.36
132 php (7.4) yii-swoole (2.0) 24 541.73 29 964.27 29 998.51
133 ruby (2.7) hanami-api (0.1) 24 472.75 23 764.89 23 380.23
134 python (3.8) fastapi (0.61) 24 345.61 30 324.25 30 617.07
135 python (3.8) molten (1.0) 24 149.49 28 006.70 26 429.13
136 nim (1.4) rosencrantz (0.4) 24 060.31 21 446.60 19 783.12
137 rust (1.47) iron (0.6) 23 925.96 23 207.73 23 464.27
138 nim (1.4) akane (0.1) 23 811.36 21 507.88 19 644.34
139 ruby (2.7) roda (3.38) 23 794.28 23 234.04 22 621.03
140 python (3.8) clastic (19.9) 23 775.10 27 197.91 25 162.26
141 go (1.15) macaron (1.4) 23 038.62 25 456.11 25 430.01
142 ruby (2.7) cuba (3.9) 22 243.76 21 679.11 21 278.54
143 php (7.4) slim-swoole (4.5) 22 002.29 25 770.20 26 416.55
144 javascript (12.18) feathersjs (4.5) 21 986.49 25 988.59 25 799.45
145 javascript (12.18) express (4.17) 21 812.87 25 711.98 25 692.49
146 python (3.8) masonite (2.3) 21 204.07 23 874.13 24 469.21
147 python (3.8) flask (1.1) 20 583.58 24 406.51 24 950.21
148 ruby (2.7) rack-routing (0.0) 20 491.46 19 947.10 19 615.10
149 ruby (2.7) rack_app (7.6) 20 334.23 19 704.80 19 376.59
150 ruby (2.7) camping (2.1) 18 753.36 18 124.12 17 961.51
151 java (11) blade (2.0) 17 848.06 22 214.25 20 653.22
152 javascript (12.18) nestjs-express (7.4) 17 320.30 18 203.08 17 921.31
153 go (1.15) tango (0.6) 17 051.42 17 405.68 17 472.14
154 php (7.4) chubbyphp-roadrunner (3.1) 15 575.82 15 754.36 16 123.44
155 php (7.4) slim-roadrunner (4.5) 15 027.84 15 318.68 15 445.42
156 dart (2.10) start (0.4) 14 950.63 14 762.22 14 374.32
157 go (1.15) gramework (1.7) 14 734.91 15 077.69 15 028.06
158 php (7.4) spiral (2.6) 14 504.72 14 585.32 14 845.99
159 ruby (2.7) sinatra (2.1) 13 324.71 12 989.32 12 942.35
160 java (11) struts2 (2.5) 12 638.62 13 324.58 13 420.53
161 swift (5.3) swifter (1.5) 12 607.38 12 743.47 12 722.43
162 ruby (2.7) grape (1.5) 12 272.86 11 885.04 11 790.29
163 python (3.8) quart (0.13) 11 335.34 11 340.16 10 649.10
164 pony (0.38) jennet (0.1) 10 979.66 19 635.98 18 549.90
165 php (7.4) sunrise-router-roadrunner (2.4) 10 844.21 10 494.76 10 217.31
166 php (7.4) basicphp (0.9) 9 688.05 9 562.62 9 327.08
167 python (3.8) tornado (6.1) 9 654.96 9 998.10 9 653.50
168 php (7.4) fastsitephp (1.4) 9 355.24 9 254.74 8 970.45
169 python (3.8) cherrypy (18.6) 8 927.93 8 919.47 8 977.63
170 python (3.8) django (3.1) 8 379.79 8 178.25 8 071.78
171 ruby (2.7) flame (4.18) 8 037.53 7 925.44 7 945.92
172 ruby (2.7) hanami (1.3) 7 700.31 7 599.95 7 642.46
173 python (3.8) tonberry (0.2) 7 527.83 7 117.66 6 792.77
174 clojure (1.1) yada (1.2) 7 402.20 8 636.41 9 014.01
175 php (7.4) one-fpm (2.0) 6 947.06 6 860.06 6 752.42
176 php (7.4) phalcon (4.1) 6 730.12 6 657.90 6 566.48
177 php (7.4) hamlet (3.2) 6 680.69 6 593.28 6 519.18
178 php (7.4) siler (1.7) 6 526.14 6 434.93 6 378.77
179 javascript (12.18) sails (1.4) 5 958.28 6 031.98 6 013.23
180 php (7.4) bearframework (1.2) 5 934.42 5 823.70 5 810.76
181 php (7.4) ice (1.5) 5 717.06 5 655.62 5 623.59
182 php (7.4) sunrise-router (2.4) 5 672.90 5 582.70 5 580.10
183 php (7.4) chubbyphp (3.1) 5 305.74 5 253.32 5 225.77
184 v (0.1) vape (0.3) 5 262.22 3 094.81 2 992.56
185 php (7.4) slim (4.6) 4 400.12 4 367.14 4 354.77
186 ruby (2.7) rails (6.0) 4 217.02 4 201.63 4 217.59
187 php (7.4) nette (3.0) 4 135.39 4 113.02 4 116.67
188 php (7.4) yii (2.0) 3 953.67 3 945.84 3 941.78
189 php (7.4) lumen (8.1) 3 857.64 3 856.85 3 893.65
190 julia (1.5) merly (0.2) 3 775.30 8 492.97 6 415.57
191 php (7.4) sunrise-router-annotations (2.4) 3 496.88 3 499.26 3 512.43
192 php (7.4) symfony (5.1) 3 107.28 3 120.86 3 143.90
193 crystal (0.35) runcobo (1.0) 2 856.67 2 909.85 2 867.86
194 php (7.4) mezzio (3.2) 2 805.86 2 820.28 2 823.14
195 r (4.0) restrserve (0.3) 2 670.18 2 627.03 2 535.42
196 python (3.8) cyclone (1.3) 2 522.50 2 521.44 2 516.01
197 ruby (2.7) pakyow (1.0) 2 488.39 2 576.16 2 527.27
198 r (4.0) httpuv (1.5) 1 817.39 1 771.12 1 703.66
199 python (3.8) django-ninja (0.8) 1 706.97 2 459.37 2 505.01
200 python (3.8) klein (20.6) 1 653.84 1 675.39 1 645.49
201 perl (5.32) dancer2 (0.3) 1 645.58 1 087.12 1 242.55
202 python (3.8) nameko (2.13) 1 592.24 1 540.75 1 533.96
203 php (7.4) laminas (3.1) 1 478.69 1 499.39 1 537.83
204 php (7.4) codeigniter4 (4.0) 1 099.64 1 123.94 1 203.62
205 crystal (0.35) lucky (0.23) 649.05 672.94 662.79
206 r (4.0) plumber (1.0) 417.61 448.43 431.24
207 php (7.4) laravel (7.27) 354.96 183.46 1 631.95

How to contribute ?

In any way you want ...

  • Request a framework addition
  • Report a bug (on any implementation)
  • Suggest an idea
  • ...

Any kind of idea is ❤️
