The circular buffer library is a sliding window time series data store with basic data analysis functionality.
- C compiler (GCC 4.7+, Visual Studio 2013, MinGW (Lua 5.1))
- Lua 5.1 or LuaJIT
- CMake (2.8.7+)
git clone
cd lua_circular_buffer
mkdir release
cd release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release ..
# Windows Visuas Studio 2013
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -G "NMake Makefiles" ..
require "circular_buffer"
local cb =, 1, 60)
local ERRORS = cb:set_header(1, "Errors")
cb:add(1e9, ERRORS, 1)
cb:add(1e9, ERRORS, 7)
local val = cb:get(1e9, ERRORS)
-- val == 8
require "circular_buffer"
local cb =, 1, 60)
Import the Lua circular_buffer via the Lua 'require' function. The module is globally registered and returned by the require function.
- rows (unsigned) The number of rows in the buffer (must be > 1)
- columns (unsigned)The number of columns in the buffer (must be > 0)
- seconds_per_row (unsigned) The number of seconds each row represents (must be > 0).
- enable_delta (bool optional, default false) When true the changes made to the circular buffer between delta outputs are tracked.
- circular_buffer userdata object.
local v = circular_buffer.version()
-- v == "0.1.0"
Returns a string with the running version of circular_buffer.
- none
- Semantic version string
Note: All column arguments are 1 based. If the column is out of range for the configured circular buffer a fatal error is generated.
d = cb:add(1e9, 1, 1)
-- d == 1
d = cb:add(1e9, 1, 99)
-- d == 100
Adds a value to the specified row/column in the circular buffer.
- nanosecond (unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. The value is used to determine which row is being operated on.
- column (unsigned) The column within the specified row to perform an add operation on.
- value (double) The value to be added to the specified row/column.
- The value of the updated row/column or nil if the time was outside the range of the buffer.
d = cb:set(1e9, 1, 1)
-- d == 1
d = cb:set(1e9, 1, 99)
-- d == 99
Overwrites the value at a specific row/column in the circular buffer.
- nanosecond (unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. The value is used to determine which row is being operated on.
- column (unsigned) The column within the specified row to perform a set operation on.
- value (double) The value to be overwritten at the specified row/column. For aggregation methods "min" and "max" the value is only overwritten if it is smaller/larger than the current value.
- The resulting value of the row/column or nil if the time was outside the range of the buffer.
d = cb:get(1e9, 1)
-- d == 99
Fetches the value at a specific row/column in the circular buffer.
- nanosecond (unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. The value is used to determine which row is being operated on.
- column (unsigned) The column within the specified row to retrieve the data from.
- The value at the specifed row/column or nil if the time was outside the range of the buffer.
rows, columns, seconds_per_row = cb:get_configuration()
-- rows == 1440
-- columns = 1
-- seconds_per_row = 60
Returns the configuration options passed to new.
- none
- The circular buffer dimension values specified in the constructor.
- rows
- columns
- seconds_per_row
column = cb:set_header(1, "Errors")
-- column == 1
Sets the header metadata for the specifed column.
- column (unsigned) The column number where the header information is applied.
- name (string) Descriptive name of the column (maximum 15 characters). Any non alpha numeric characters will be converted to underscores. (default: Column_N)
- unit (string optional) The unit of measure (maximum 7 characters). Alpha numeric, '/', and '*' characters are allowed everything else will be converted to underscores. i.e. KiB, Hz, m/s (default: count)
- aggregation_method (string optional) Controls how the column data is aggregated
when combining multiple circular buffers.
- sum The total is computed for the time/column (default).
- min The smallest value is retained for the time/column.
- max The largest value is retained for the time/column.
- none No aggregation will be performed the column.
- The column number passed into the function.
name, unit, aggregation_method = cb:get_header(1)
-- name == "Errors"
-- unit == "count"
-- aggregation_method == "sum"
Retrieves the header metadata for the specified column.
- column (unsigned) The column number of the header information to be retrieved.
- The current values of specified header column.
- name
- unit
- aggregation_method
cb:set(1e9, 5)
cb:set(60e9, 10)
cb:set(180e9, 1)
d, active_rows = cb:compute("sum", 1)
-- d = 16
-- active_rows = 3
Performs a basic calculation on a column spaning the specified number of rows.
- function (string) The name of the compute function (sum|avg|sd|min|max|variance).
- column (unsigned) The column that the computation is performed against.
- start (unsigned optional) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. Sets the start time of the computation range; if nil the buffer's start time is used.
- end (unsigned optional) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. Sets the end time of the computation range (inclusive); if nil the buffer's end time is used. The end time must be greater than or equal to the start time.
- The result of the computation for the specifed column over the given range or nil if the range fell outside of the buffer.
- The number of rows that contained a valid numeric value.
local cb =,1,1)
local data = {15309,14092,13661,13412,14205,15042,14142,13820,14917,13953,14320,14472,15133,13790,14539,14129,14363,14202,13841,13610,13759,14428,14851,13838,13819,14468,14989,15557,14380,13500,14818,14632,13631,14663,14532,14188,14537,14109,13925,15022}
for i,v in ipairs(data) do
cb:set(i*1e9, 1, v)
local u, p = cb:mannwhitneyu(1, 1e9, 20e9, 21e9, 40e9)
-- u == 171
-- p == 0.22037
Computes the Mann-Whitney rank test on samples x and y.
- column (unsigned) The column that the computation is performed against.
- start_1 (unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch.
- end_1 (unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. The end time must be greater than or equal to the start time.
- start_2 (unsigned).
- end_2 (unsigned).
- use_continuity (bool optional) Whether a continuity correction (1/2) should be taken into account (default: true).
Returns (nil if the range fell outside the buffer)
- U_1 Mann-Whitney statistic.
- One-sided p-value assuming a asymptotic normal distribution.
Note: Use only when the number of observation in each sample is > 20 and you have 2 independent samples of ranks. Mann-Whitney U is significant if the u-obtained is LESS THAN or equal to the critical value of U.
This test corrects for ties and by default uses a continuity correction. The reported p-value is for a one-sided hypothesis, to get the two-sided p-value multiply the returned p-value by 2.
t = cb:current_time()
-- t == 86340000000000
Returns the timestamp of the newest row.
- none
- The time of the most current row in the circular buffer (nanoseconds).
Sets an internal flag to control the output format of the circular buffer data structure; if deltas are not enabled or there haven't been any modifications, nothing is output.
- format (string)
- cbuf The circular buffer full data set format.
- cbufd The circular buffer delta data set format.
- The circular buffer object.
todo make this accessible as __tostring for non lua_sandbox use.
-- only available when using the lua_sandbox
output(cb) -- serializes the full buffer
output(cb) -- serializes the delta of the buffer since the last output
The circular buffer can be passed to the lua_sandbox output() function. The output format can be selected using the format() function.
The cbuf (full data set) output format consists of newline delimited rows starting with a json header row followed by the data rows with tab delimited columns. The time in the header corresponds to the time of the first data row, the time for the other rows is calculated using the seconds_per_row header value.
{json header}
The cbufd (delta) output format consists of newline delimited rows starting with a json header row followed by the data rows with tab delimited columns. The first column is the timestamp for the row (time_t). The cbufd output will only contain the rows that have changed and the corresponding delta values for each column.
{json header}
10002 0 0
11323 0 0
10685 0 0