This is terminal application tool intented to organize ideas, thought process, try results in a meaningfull and graphic tree based way. I made this project to learn Rust and mysql.


cargo # obviously
docker # necessary to start the mysql database.
Probably if you have a database already runnig, just change the connection url in the code. It's hardcoded :)


sudo snap install rustup --classic
rustup install stable


cargo build cargo build --release # Gasesc binarul in target/release/


docker run --name study-mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=studymqsql -d mysql:latest
cargo run

MySql migration commands ALTER TABLE mysql.questions ADD COLUMN root_question int NOT NULL AFTER question_text;

Bacup database docker exec study-mysql /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=studymqsql mysql > /tmp/backup.sql

For importing dump files docker exec -i study-test mysql -uroot -pstudymqsql mysql < /tmp/study_backup.sql Ref