
Simple caching server for map tiles.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple caching server for map tiles.


You can install mapcache with pip by executing

pip3 install mapcache

or you can simply download mapache.py and put it into any folder of your liking.


You can start mapcache locally by executing

python3 mapcache.py -p 8080 -f /tmp/tilecache

or you can run mapcache with docker using

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:80 -v /tmp/tilecache:/opt/mapcache/cachefolder mapcache

In both cases, mapcache will be served on http://localhost:8080 and tiles will be cached in /tmp/tilecache.

Full command line options are:

usage: mapcache.py [-h] [-f FOLDER] [-i INTERFACE] [-p PORT]

Simple caching server. Forwards calls to http://<server-address>/<external-
server>/... to http://<external-server>/... and caches the result locally.
Later requests to the same address will be served from cache.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        folder for storing cache files, defaults to ./cache
  -i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE
                        network interface to listen on, defaults to localhost
  -p PORT, --port PORT  server port, defaults to 8000