
Provides support for App Tracking Transparency and SkAdNetwork API newly introduced in Apple iOS 14.

Primary LanguageC#

Using this package

This package supports Apple's SKAdNetwork and AppTrackingTransparency frameworks for your made-with-Unity iOS application, by aggregating proper ad network IDs and providing access to relevant Apple developer APIs.

Installing the package

  1. Download this repo to your hard drive.
  2. In the Unity Editor, open the Unity Package Manager window.
  3. Click the + button and select Add package from disk....
  4. Navigate to the location where you downloaded the repo and select the iOS14 Support package (..\com.unity.ads.ios-support-master\com.unity.ads.ios-support\package.json) to install the package. If successful, the iOS14 Support package will appear in the package manager list (note that you must have All packages selected to view it).

SKAdNetwork ID support

The iOS14 Support package will automatically aggregate an updated list of advertising sources in your game's Info.plist file when you build the application:

  1. Build your project for iOS.
  2. Check the resulting Info.plist file to ensure that your SKAdNetworkItems are as expected. If necessary, manually add any additional SKAdNetworkIdentifier dictionaries to the array.

For more information, see documentation on modifying the properties list.

Apple developer API extensions

This package provides access to the following Apple developer APIs:

public static void SkAdNetworkUpdateConversionValue(int conversionValue)

This method allows you to update the attribution conversion value.


This method allows you to register for attribution.

public static void RequestAuthorizationTracking()

This method allows you to request the user permission dialogue.

public static AuthorizationTrackingStatus GetAuthorizationTrackingStatus()

This method allows you to check the app tracking transparency (ATT) authorization status.