
Godot asset to show the frame rate of your games.

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Godot Fps Label

Godot asset to show the frame rate of your games.

This document uses the format of the official Godot docs.

That is type name for variables and return_type name(type name) for functions.

Method list

void set_position(Position pos)

Set the position type, if you choose Position.NONE the label won't be forced to a fixed position. If you set other of the defined values in Position.

void update_position()

This is called every time you resize the viewport and it is called inside set_position(), it updates the position of the Label based on the defined Position enum.



  • NONE


int margin

The margin of the label in pixels.

Label label

Direct reference to the active Label node.

Position position

Holds the value of the enum Position defined by the user.

Asset usage

  • Add a copy of FPSLabel.gd to your game.
  • Add a FPSLabel node to your scene.