
Requirements: Safari Webkit 17.1 (⥣) | Analysis in MathML© Foundations in Mathematical Analysis | Watters Research and Technologies® | MIT License | BSD (C4)-License | Analogue: UCB Math 104: Introductory Analysis

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Analysis in MathML

Foundations in Mathematical Analysis

(Safari Webkit 17.1)

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Part 1 Prologue
1. Basic Properties of Numbers   3
2. Numbers of Various Sorts   21
Part 2 Foundations
3. Functions   39
  Appendix. Ordered Pairs   54
4. Graphs   56
  Appendix 1. Vectors   75
  Appendix 2. The Conic Sections   80
  Appendix 3. Polar Coordinates   84
5. Limits   90
6. Continuous Functions   113
7. Three Hard Theorems   120
8. Least Upper Bounds   131
  Appendix. Uniform Continuity   142
Part 3 Derivatives and Integrals
  9. Derivatives   147
10. Differentiation   166
11. Significance of the Derivative   185
   Appendix. Convexity and Concavity   216 
12. Inverse Functions   227
   Appendix. Parametric Representation of Curves   241 
13. Integrals   250
   Appendix. Riemann Sums   279 
14. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus   282
15. The Trigonometric Functions   300
16. π is Irrational   321   ⚐
17. Planetary Motion   327   ⚐
18. The Logarithm and Exponentail Functions   336
19. Integration in Elementary Terms   359
   Appendix. The Cosmopolitan Integral   397 
Part 4 Infinite Sequences and Infinite Series
20. Approximation by Polynomial Functions   405
21. e is Transcendental   435   ⚐
22. Infinite Sequences   445
23. Infinite Series   464
24. Uniform Convergence and Power Series   491
25. Complex Numbers   517
26. Complex Functions   532
27. Complex Power Series   546
Part 5 Epilogue
28. Fields   571
29. Construction of the Real Numbers   578
30. Uniqueness of the Real Numbers   591
  Suggested reading   599
  Answers (to Selected Problems)   609
  Glossery of Symbols   655
  Index   659


This page framework is Webkit–centric. The layout design is an eleventh–order quaternion prismplex, with eight dynamic relational-fields. It may also be described as a complete frame, meaning that every field has slide and scroll fucntionality. The frame's memory is accesible through conventional menus and search. Each slide has autonomous search, whose query returns remain loaded in the RAM while seperate fields are active. The directory is licensed for use under the terms outlined in the MIT License / BSD (C4)License bundle.