
Arch Linux script to install base system.

Primary LanguageShell

Arch Linux Script


📌 Introduction

This repository contain useful Arch Linux script for system setup and installation. The objective of creating this script is to be able to quickly setup recently updated clean install Arch Linux system after enter arch-chroot environment. The use of --noconfirm flag is to make a usable script without any user interaction, no more typing required.

📌 Requirements (in order)

  1. Partition the disk manually.
  2. Pacstrap the system.
  3. Install text editor (e.g: nano) and git.
  4. Enter arch-chroot environment.

📌 Usage

Clone all the script

  • git clone https://github.com/luqmannn/Arch-Linux-Script.git

⚠️ Change the hostname, username, software package and GRUB directory install in the script according to your system

Make all the script executable and run

  • chmod +x *.sh
  • ./<script_name.sh>

To enable iptables, use the command below

  • sudo systemctl enable --now iptables

To save the configuration make by the ipv4tables script, use the command below

  • sudo iptables-save -f /etc/iptables/iptables.rules