

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A YouTube Inspired React.js Application

Welcome to iTube

Hi! This is the README for iTube. iTube is a React-Redux app that allows users to share videos with one another. The goal of this app is to display the power of the React-Redux cycle using AWS S3 APIs for video hosting, and a Rails backend for database management.


  • Hosting on Heroku
  • Video
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Play-count
  • Channels

Libraries & technologies

iTube makes use of:

  • React for componenet creation
  • Redux for state management
  • NodeJs for NPM packages like WebPack
  • Rails for dabaase management
  • HTML 5 for canvas rendering
  • CSS


iTube allows users to upload, view, like, and comment on videos. User's videos get added to their channels, and channels can have many subscribed users. The user can view his channel and his subscribed channels.

iTube stores files on the web, so take appropriate precautions, as files will live on the AWS server until the database is re-seeded.

Responsive design

responsive design giph

iTube is designed to accomodate for most laptop & desktop screen sizes. Mobile responsiveness varies.

Video Carousel

video carousel giph

iTube's video carousel was built form scratch to be responsive and easy to use.

This componenent took quite some time and iterations to get right. It was not, at first, obvious how to make the li of video previews scroll by a responsively defined amount. With some tinkering, it became clear that using it's container's width as the offset ammount would be the best approach, since @media CSS queries would allow me to know what that might be well ahead of time.

handleClick(e, type){
    // if first time button was clicked
    if (this.state.carouselClicks === 0) {
      let leftBtn = document.getElementById(`leftArr${this.props.channel.owner_id}`);
      leftBtn.classList = leftBtn.classList = "home-channel-scroll-btn inactive"
    let button = e.currentTarget;
    let offset = this.containerWidth;
    if (type === 'left') { offset = offset * - 1}
    this.car = document.querySelectorAll(".preview-carousel")[this.props.classId];

      top: offset,
      left: 0,
      behavior: 'smooth'
    // set background of button to grey
    button.classList = "home-channel-scroll-btn active";
    // set background transparent again
    setTimeout(() => { button.classList = "home-channel-scroll-btn inactive"}, 200);


channels component giph

iTube gives every user a channel that displays all his / her videos

User Authentication

user auth giph

iTube makes use of hashing to store password_digests, so that user's can be sure that any login attempts will be authenticated in the back end in a secure way.

Search & Auto Complete

autocomplete gif giph

Type the video title or topic you have in mind in the Search field, and iTube will fetch the most relevant results. You can select the one that most suits your needs.

Some of the relevant code that was implemented to make this possible can be found bellow. Subsequent iterations would ideally move away from simple substring matching on all titles to something more reliable; like next-word probability relationships given user's search history implementing markov-chains HackerNews

  // helper that filters search results, stores search string
  handleInputChange(e) {
    let searchString = e.target.value;
    let suggestions = [];
    let items = Object.keys(this.props.search);

    if (searchString.length > 0) {
      const regex = new RegExp(`^${searchString}`, ["i"]);
      // filter suggestions by those that return true for regex
      suggestions = items.sort().filter(suggestion => {
        let words = suggestion.split(" ");
        let matched = false;
        for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
          const curWord = words[i];
          if (regex.test(curWord.toLowerCase())) {
            matched = true;
        return matched;
    this.setState({ suggestions: suggestions, text: searchString });
  // helper that renders a unordered-list of matching suggestions
  renderSuggestions() {
    let suggestions = this.state.suggestions;
    if (suggestions.length === 0) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return (
        <ul className="search-results-ul">
          {suggestions.map((item, idx) => (
              onClick={() => this.suggestionSelected(item)}
              className={`search-auto-li ${
                this.cursorPos === idx ? "selected" : `res-${idx}`

Main Components

  • root.jsx Component that wraps the rest in the Provider and HashRouter.

  • app.jsx Component that provied the store the rest of the components, manages Redirect logic.

  • home.js Home page component

  • Videos

    • video_form_container.jsx container for the edit and upload video forms.
    • video_edit_container.jsx container for the edit form.
    • video_upload_container.jsx container for the upload form.
    • video_preview_container.jsx container for the video preview componenet
    • video_show_container.jsx container for the video show componenet
    • video_form.jsx form for editing & uploading videos
    • video_preview.jsx component that render preview image, title, and more for an individual video.
    • video_show.jsx component that render video file, description, title, likes, and comments.

    Other notable components:

  • channel.jsx Channel component that renders VideoPreview components for each video in channel's slice of state.

  • like_button.jsx Component that renders a like button that on click adds likes to the backend. Displays a video's number of total likes.

  • nav_bar.jsx Component that renders modal.jsx and dropdown.jsx.