Create a .config_repo folder in $HOME
Inside clone this repository as a bare one:
git clone git@github.com:lurco/Linux-configuaration-files.git
- Setup an alias to use git_home as git for $HOME directory's repo:
alias git_home="git --git-dir=$HOME/.config_repo --work-tree=$HOME"
Checkout the master in order to get the current version of the repo in $HOME (in case of conflicts delete existing files to make room for repo ones)
Set up a flag for local repo to ignore untracked files in working directory (i.e. almost everyting in $HOME):
git_home config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
This entire scheme is taken from this article (which in turn was based on this forum thread).
After setting up the repo, it's important to run vim on the new .vimrc
and run :PluginInstall
option for Vundle
one of the main vim package managers in order to install the other plugins.
Almost all packages are straight up github downloads through Vundle with the notable exception of YouCompleteMe, which requires a lot of dependencies and a python installation process AFTER downloading the Github resourses through Vundle in Vim.
List of packages to install:
Zeal (a Dash style offline documentation browser)
neofetch (a system info screen)
lame (the mp3 encoder)
newest Python, then PIP and iPython
hstr (visual bash autocompletion)
moreutils (mostly for sponge) ...
Setup git config with:
git config --global user.email ""
git config --global user.name ""
And generate an SSH key for Github access: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh
tlmgr is the package manager for LaTeX, but it's location isn't in the PATH
environmental variable for root, so sudo tlmgr install ...
doesn't work.
In order to add tlmgr to PATH use:
sudo visudo
and add the proper tlmgr path to the Defaults securepath variable. The file open in nano, so in order to save you have to press CTRL+X then y, then Enter... And they say exiting vim is difficult...