
Primary LanguageKotlinThe UnlicenseUnlicense


It's Kotlin rewrite of TwineHacker

Extension purpose and usage:

To Debug(Or Cheat) Twine{SugarCube} Variables

it analyzes SugarCube.State.active.variables continuously and presents it conveniently as tabular data, so you could easily inspect and change its content.

This extension offers nothing more beyond you could do using the console. It it intended to debug games or make easier grinding in some games if you hate grinds or constantly dying and just want to enjoy content.

WARNING! Use it on your own risk. Note that you could easily break a game, make its behavior be strange and\or buggy, or just spoil your own gaming joy.


This extension is based on similar one from this f95 thread (but this one is borrowing just an idea, no code was stolen.)

(thanks to @spectr3.9911)

compatible with Chrome and Firefox (possibly others could handle it too).

Installation instructions

  • Chrome: download repository and use Developer Mode then point build/dist/js/productionExecutable or build/dist/js/developmentExecutable directory
  • Firefox: use Firefox Developer Edition, upload as Temporary Extension and point build/package/SugarMelt.zip file

Building from the source


JVM, Gradle. The best choice is using JetBrains Idea, it has everything you need.


  • to build as packed extension run jsBrowserProductionWebpack Gradle task. Then in build/package you'll find SugarMelt.zip file containing packed extension.
  • to build as unpacked extension run jsBrowserProductionWebpack Gradle task. Then build/dist/js/productionExecutable directory contains unpacked extension.
  • to build it to debug run jsBrowserDevelopmentWebpack Gradle task. Then build/dist/js/developmentExecutable directory contains unpacked extension with source code suitable for debugging.

Comparison with the original

Extension is completely rewritten, these are changes:

  • F12 - Extension has its own dev tools panel
  • It's always open instead of being initially collapsed, so you might get scrolling (I hate this bug with not fully expandable panels and no possibility even to scroll)
  • No keys to activate. If TwH has detected the game, it will show panel, otherwise empty.
  • It's easy to add support to other engines (Wikifier etc)


  • support more HTML games and game engines (What a pity some of them requires patching, that's not this extension is intended to do)
  • removal and creation feature (in development)
  • correct sorting when new variables are discovered

Latest changes

  • 14.03.2024 23:00 - v. (experimental) Russian translation added
  • 13.03.2024 23:00 - v. Some bugs fixed (Broken images, highlighting and filtering regression)
  • 04.03.2024 15:00 - v.3.0.3: README and naming updated, added LICENSE, submitted to Google Store
  • 29.02.2024 23:00 - new beta: auto update structure, support of Date & Map types
  • 04.04.2023 22:00 - hanging issues fixed (less computations, less cycles)

List of tested games

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