
Homebrew for Blink Sync Module

Primary LanguageLua

Homebrew for Blink Sync Module

Blink synchronization module


This DIY project contains tutorials and scripts for customizing the Blink synchronization module. This device is used for creating a bridge between Blink Cloud Services and Blink cameras but there is actually a powerful embedded Linux under the hood.

Modifications described here will allow one to:

  • Download videos automatically to a USB connected to the Sync Module.
  • Run Bling Viewer for any Mac/Linux/Windows in the local network.
  • Run scheduled tasks through scripts like Snooze and any other developed by the community
  • Use Sync Module as DLNA Media server, BitTorrent client and many others
  • Do the same things you can do with an OpenWRT Barrier Breaker 14.07

Before continuing, you will need basic knowledge of computers and a USB to TTL device:


This is the one I use but any USB to TTL will work and are quite inexpensive 5~10 EUR.

Follow steps described below in order but remember:

These modifications may damage your SyncModule if not done properly. Proceed at your own risk


  1. Setup
    1. Opening covers
    2. USB to TTL device
    3. Establishing connection
    4. Factory reset
  2. Softening
    1. Persist access
    2. Certificates
    3. SSH server
    4. Web Server
  3. Applications
    1. USB support
    2. Video downloader
    3. Bling viewer
    4. Torrent downloader
    5. Timestamp videos