
Under different network representation learning methods and clustering methods, we cluster the vehicles in the dynamic vehicle network, and compare the clustering performance.

Primary LanguagePython


Under different network representation learning (NRL) methods and clustering methods, we cluster the vehicles in the dynamic vehicle network, and compare the clustering performance.

Paper: Vehicle Trajectory Clustering Based on Dynamic Representation Learning of Internet of Vehicles (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9115819)

NRL Methods

  • DynWalks
  • DeepWalk
  • LINE
  • node2vec
  • GraRep

DynWalks: https://github.com/houchengbin/GloDyNE.

We use the code of the other three NRL methods in OpenNE to learn the embedding vectors of vehicles in the dynamic vehicle network. OpenNE: https://github.com/thunlp/OpenNE

Clustering methods

  • KMeans
  • HierarchicalClustering
  • SpectralClustering
  • GaussianMixture
  • KMedoids


  • Silhouette Score
  • Dunn Validity Index
  • Davies Bouldin Score
  • Calinski Harabaz Score

The commands for training the embedding vectors of vehicles using different NRL methods are listed in cmd_command.txt