
Example of a Next.js app (App Router) running on Cloudflare Pages and a D1 Datbase.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Next.js (App Router) on Cloudflare Pages

Example of a Next.js app (App Router) running on Cloudflare Pages. This commit contains all the changes needed to run a Next.js App Router app on Cloudflare Pages with a D1 database.

This guide has been created on 2024-02-20 with the latest React Canary and next-on-pages packages. Due to the beta nature of these packages, the information in this guide may be outdated. Please refer to the official documentation for the latest information.


pnpm i # install deps
pnpm exec wrangler d1 create pollo-4 # create the database (update the id in wrangler.toml)
pnpm exec wrangler d1 execute pollo-4 --file ./init.sql --local # init local db
pnpm exec wrangler d1 execute pollo-4 --file ./init.sql # init remote db (careful!)
pnpm run dev # run locally
pnpm exec next-on-pages # build
pnpm exec wrangler pages deploy .vercel/output/static # deploy


As of today, you need to do the following manually:

  1. You must manually add the nodejs_compat compatibility flag from yhe Cloudflare Dashboard (Workers & Pages > [your app] > Settings > Functions > Compatibility flags) and deploy your app again.
  2. After you first deploy the app, you must manually bind the D1 database from the Cloudflare Dashboard (Workers & Pages > [your app] > Settings > Functions > D1 Database).

Please note that:

  1. Development is done via pnpm run dev; the development environment is not the same as the production environment, deploy frequently to detect issues early.
  2. D1 is in beta and not recommended for production use.
  3. next-on-pages is still early stage and might have breaking changes or unexpected behavior.
  4. Cloudflare Pages only supports the edge runtime. You must export const runtime = "edge" from all your page.tsx files.
  5. Help is available on the dedicated Discord channel on the Cloudflare Dev server.


Step-by-step Video (in English + subtitles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcp-Mbvh424

Talk (in Italian): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wESngFYjQWA

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UQnAhO4VKu9hst9BBbbsT9LAz_duuJgOVVVvttYHQvI/edit?usp=sharing

Documentation: https://b6f0a2e0.cloudflare-docs-7ou.pages.dev/pages/framework-guides/

Demo: https://pollo-4.pages.dev/

Support Channel: https://discord.com/invite/cloudflaredev


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