
a document formatting engine inspired by scribe

Primary LanguagePostScript


a document formatting engine inspired by scribe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scribe_(markup_language)

The program implements a markup language and then presents a manual in that markup.

Project resumed from broken draft posted to usenet in 2011 https://groups.google.com/d/topic/comp.lang.postscript/qgyPTydQE8o/discussion

New discussion. https://groups.google.com/d/topic/comp.lang.postscript/BvMSQeWjflQ/discussion

Scribe was used to produce the first edition PostScript Language Reference Manual. http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/ps/sdk/5042.Opt_Case_Study.pdf

The wikipedia page mentions some curious history around scribe. Apparently, it was the change in licence and resulting exhorbitant price-hike for the software (from free to very expensive) that was so upsetting to a certain programmer named Richard Stallman that he founded an organization called the Free Software Foundation and began writing its first package, texinfo. And the rest is history.

Additional background material.

Important papers in the history of document preparation systems: basic sources

The PUB System. A similar program of similar vintage.

Robert D. Cameron
Markup and Style: History and Philosophy