A Minecraft Fabric Automated Live Streaming Assistant Mod.
- Automatic full screen when starting a game
- Specify the monitor on which to display the game window
- Keep window full screen
- Keep window maximized
- Disable mouse lock
Run command in game:
/autostreamingassistant listmonitor
Run this command in terminal:
shell$ xrandr -q
Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 1024 x 768, maximum 16384 x 16384
VGA-0 connected primary 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
The name of the screen is VGA-0
Run this code in java
PointerBuffer buffer = GLFW.glfwGetMonitors();
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.capacity(); i++) {
long pointer = buffer.get(i);
String name = GLFW.glfwGetMonitorName(pointer1);
log.info("Monitor #" + i + " Name: " + name);
The config file is located in .minecraft/config/autostreamingassistant.json
"autoFullScreen": true,
"fullScreenMonitorName": "Generic PnP Monitor",
"keepMaximizing": true,
"keepFullScreen": true,
"disableMouseLock": true
Or you can use the mod's config screen to change the config.
Because Cinnamon handles window minimization differently than other desktop environments, on Linux Mint it is not possible to prevent manual minimization by the user, only automatic minimization by Cinnamon.
- This Mod depends on Fabric API, Cloth-Conf
- This Mod has only been tested on Minecraft 1.20.2 version, other versions have not been tested
This project uses GPLv3 license, please refer to LICENSE file for details.