
demonstrates writing a shapefile from android using shapelib (see also GDAL/OGR)

Primary LanguageC


A crude example of making ESRI shapefiles from Android using the Android NDK and Shapelib library. Shapelib provides the shapefile support to GDAL/OGR and is used by many (most?) GIS programs.

Credit for the open source Shapelib/GDAL/OGR libraries goes to Frank Warmerdam and that community.


This demo creates a trees shapefile in /sdcard/ on the android device. The resulting shapefile opened in QGIS:

QGIS screenshot of trees shapefile

Build the native library (only)

From within 'shapelib-android-demo/shapelib-android-demo' you can execute

ndk-build clean; ndk-build

Build / install / run the program

./shapelib-android-demo/shapelib-android-demo/$ mvn clean install android clean install android:ndk-build android:deploy


Running the activity causes the /sdcard/trees.shp (and shx, dbf) to be written.