# lein-search Lein search allows searching and adding of dependencies on clojars through a simple command line interface. ## Usage lein update-repo (update local clojar index - this is cached to save bandwith) lein search <regexp> (searches clojars for this regexp) lein add [-d|--dev] <artifact> (allows you to add a artifact to your development dependencies) lein add <artifact> (allows you to add a artifact to your dependencies) lein update (updates all artifacts in your deps, asking for each one if you'd like it) artifact syntax: lein-search - latest stable official release (as in [lein-search/lein-search "whatever is latest stable"]) lein-search "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" - one specific version of the official release org.clojars.wuschel/lein-search - a non official release, and it's latest stable org.clojars.wuschel/lein-search "42.2.3" - a non official release, and it's latest stable ## License Copyright © 2009 Heinz N. Gies. This code is published under the EPL, have fun! See LICENSE.html for the booring stuff.
A lein plugin that allows searching, and adding dependencies from clojars.