
a react native template folder to build an API client mobile apps

Primary LanguageJavaScript



npm i react-native-api-client

Generate Files

Before generate library files to your react-native-project, make sure that lussatech-cli is installed globally in your machine, otherwise use this command to install it:

npm i lussatech-cli -g

If lussatech-cli have been installed, change directory to your react-native-project and run this command:

lussatech generate react-native-api-client

then the library files will be added automatically inside your react-native-project, e.g.

|_ ...
|_ lib
  |_ react-native-api-client
    |_ ...
    |_ index.js
    |_ ...


import APIClient, {     // sample app
/* available components */
  Navbar,               // sample navigation bar
  Client,               // sample client view
/* available constants  */  
  Server,               // sample api end-point
  Host,                 // sample host for api end-point
} from './lib/react-native-api-client';

class Name extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <APIClient />     // sample calling component
Manage API end-point

To manage api end-point, update Server.js based on your api end-point, e.g.

# lib/react-native-api-client/Server.js

export const host = 'http://example.com'; // host for api url
export default {
  doctor: {
    find: function () {
      let url = `${host}/doctor`,         // api url for browse doctor
          opt = {                         // optional second argument
            method: 'get'                 //  to customize the HTTP request

      return fetch(url, opt);

then call api end-point inside your react-native-project, e.g.

# lib/react-native-api-client/Client.js

  componentDidMount() {
    api.doctor.find()             // call api url for browse doctor
      .then((response) => {
      .catch((error) => {
      .done(() => {
Customize navigation bar

To customize navigation bar, update Navbar.js based on your need, e.g.

# lib/react-native-api-client/Navbar.js

export default class extends Component {
  /* to validate props value */
  static propTypes = {
    onRefresh: PropTypes.func,

  /* when a menu is selected */
  onActionSelected(position) {
    switch (position) {
       case 0: this.onSearch(); break;
       case 1: this.onRefresh(); break;
      default: ToastAndroid.show(`${actions[position].title} selected.`, ToastAndroid.SHORT);

  /* when selected menu is `Refresh` */
  onRefresh() {
    /* calling onRefresh props action if available */
    this.props.onRefresh && this.props.onRefresh();

/* list of menu */
const actions = [
  {title: 'Search', icon: icons.search, show: 'always'},
  {title: 'Refresh', icon: icons.refresh, show: 'ifRoom'},

then include the navigation bar inside your react-native-project, e.g.

# lib/react-native-api-client/index.js

  render() {
    return (
        <Navbar title={`Home`} onRefresh={() => this.onRefresh()} />
        <View style={styles.container}>

  onRefresh() {
Customize views

To customize views, update Client.js based on your need, e.g.

# lib/react-native-api-client/Client.js

  render() {
    if (!this.state.load) return this.renderLoading();
    if (this.state.nope) return this.renderEmpty();

    return this.renderScene();

  renderScene() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container} {...this.props}>
        <Text style={styles.instructions}>{JSON.stringify(this.state.data)}</Text>