
Behavior css class bind query media can save tons of css code

Primary LanguageSCSS

Why the library was born?

The freelance project of the design draft usually with random pixel. Designer does not care about those pixels are integer or not.

It is means you can not find any regularization lead to building component hardly. Especially with an inexperienced designer or you have no authority to correct this mess.

This library will generate some class to help you to overcome this situation.

How easy it is?

    <div id="wrapper" class="df-sm">
    It will make id wrapper display: flex; when tablet and above.
    In other words display: block; when mobile.

    <div id="wrapper" class="tal-sm tac-md mt30-sm mt50-md">
    It will make this id wrapper text-align: left; when tablet and above
                          text-align: center; when normal screen and above
                          margin-top: 30px; when tablet and above
                          margin-top: 50px; when normal screen and above 
    Imagine how much code you need to write if you are not using behavioral binding media? !

Who need this?

  • Have a new project
  • Freelancer
  • No authority to correct design draft
  • Clean coder

Import library folder if you want to use, and tool.scss is optional.

Recommend you read the concept even you do not use it.

How to use?

The usage of library currently contains margin, padding, text-align, display
    Usage explanation * indicates that the number can be 0px, 5px, 15px, 20px
     ~~ 150px in 5 intervals
            xs(320up) | sm(768up) | md(992up) | lg(1200up)
    mt*-xs     Yes    |    Yes    |    Yes    |    Yes
    mt         Yes    |    Yes    |    Yes    |    Yes
    mt*-sm     No     |    Yes    |    Yes    |    Yes
    mt*-md     No     |    No     |    Yes    |    Yes
    mt*-lg     No     |    No     |    No     |    Yes
    Yes means work / No means not work
            xs(320up) | sm(768up) | md(992up) | lg(1200up)
    tal-xs     Yes    |    Yes    |    Yes    |    Yes
    tal        Yes    |    Yes    |    Yes    |    Yes
    tal-sm     No     |    Yes    |    Yes    |    Yes
    tal-md     No     |    No     |    Yes    |    Yes
    tal-lg     No     |    No     |    No     |    Yes
    Yes means work / No means not work

The following is an example

     mt10 = mt10-xs = mobile (all media) margin-top: 10px
     ml20-sm = tablet and above margin-left: 20px
     mb35-md = normal screen and above margin-bottom: 35px
     mr100-lg = large screen and above margin-right: 100px
     ptn = ptn-xs = mobile and above (all media) padding-top: 0px
     prl100-sm = tablet and above padding-right: 100px; padding-left: 100px
     ptb100-sm = tablet and above padding-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 100px
     pta100-sm = tablet and above padding-top: auto; padding-bottom: auto
     tac-sm = tablet and above text-align: center
     tal-md = normal screen and above text-align: center
     tar-lg = large screen and above text-align: center
     tan = tan-xs = mobile and above (all media) text-align: inherit
     df-sm = tablet and above display:flex
     dib-md = normal screen and above display:inline-block
     di-lg = large screen and above display:inline
     db = db-xs = mobile and above (all media)  display:block

What is behavior? What is bind media?

「Behavior」is means an element align left, right, top or bottom.

If a div position needs to vertically centered and down 30 pixel, you will define a class like this below.

    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    margin-top: 30px !improtant;

Why I use !important? here? Everybody says do not use !important.

Do you understand why?

Most of reasons are the element will be very hard to change anymore.

But! It is precisely because this is a behavioral naming style, you may named "align-left" but the CSS syntax is taxt-align: right; ? Or do you want to move down 20px but the CSS syntax is margin-lift: 100px;? Based on this situation, there is no reason to change!

<div class="flex-vertical-center mt30">

So Foo and Bar will be vertically centered and down 30px

The class as following If works tablet and above (meaning that does not contain mobile).

@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        margin-top: 30px !improtant;

Why we need to do that? What the benefit

You must have encountered this situation! Assume login and registration of the block class are .Auth_wrapper, after the designer gave a new design, in the user's edit page also use the same template, then you want to change class name? If you use .user_edit_wrapper to wrap user's page and change .Auth_wrapper {code} to.auth_wrapper, .user_edit_wrapper {code} ? In practice, it will not be as simple as this. There must be a few places to be modified, and engineers always struggle in such a dilemma.

  1. If you already define a . Banner class in the home page, but next design is banner need to down 30px? What you are gonna do? Most people choose to add one more class that's available for this, but the idea I'm trying to convey is direct to use the .flex-vertical-center class.

    * When using .banner in more than one place, you're afraid to change a little place to all the scenes, but class behavior is not.     * If you have a lot of places to be centered vertically, you must have a class or name, and you have to write a vertically-aligned syntax in the CSS file, then it's time to change it to behavior class to reuse.

  1. In general, front-end engineers will be trouble in CSS-specificity. LESS, SCSS are excellect tool to write, but do not use too much nest. The problem will bring about specificity too heavy to overwrite.

    @media (max-width: 480px){
            width: 50%;
            padding-left: 25px;
    tal  = taxt-align:left;
    tac  = taxt-align:center;
    mt30 = margin-top:30px;
    <div class="tal-sm tac-md mt30-sm mt50-md">
        It will make this div text-align: left; when tablet and above
                              text-align: center; when normal screen and above
                              margin-top: 30px; when tablet and above
                              margin-top: 50px; when normal screen and above 
             Imagine how much code you need to write if you are not using 
        behavioral binding media? !
  2. Can cope with the designer's design flaws, most of the designers are "graphic designer" not "website designer" in Taiwan, the concept of RWD and component concept are weak. Often designers do not have component concept lead to every version are not the same, we can not find a rule to build.

  3. In my case, the concept of an average page can save about 300 lines of CSS code.

  4. Maintenance becomes simple, because everything will expressed directly in the class name.

A few simple SCSS files are enough to cope with all layout?

Need to load additional Boostrap following three components

And recommend using Bootstrap Grid

Not exactly, these libraries that have been able to cope with 80% of the front-end complex RWD layout.

tool.scss contain out of practical methods, can be applied to the project.

The other 20% still need to rely on engineers to find soluations to define the most basic (frame, background color, color, etc.) template and then use this Library to do an extension.

Someone asked how the size of the fonts on the RWD how to solve it?

It's the basis for the design of web pages, which should be defined in the Style Guide Line which is also a prerequisite for the site to be developed.