
Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

GPU admission

It is a scheduler extender for GPU admission. It provides the following features:

  • provides quota limitation according to GPU device type
  • avoids fragment allocation of node by working with gpu-manager

For more details, please refer to the documents in docs directory in this project

1. Build


$ make build


# 构建x86架构镜像
$ make img
# 构建arm架构镜像
$ make img-arm

2. Run

2.1 直接运行gpu-admission

$ bin/gpu-admission --address= --v=4 --kubeconfig <your kubeconfig> --logtostderr=true

Other options

      --address string                   The address it will listen (default "")
      --alsologtostderr                  log to standard error as well as files
      --kubeconfig string                Path to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
      --log-backtrace-at traceLocation   when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
      --log-dir string                   If non-empty, write log files in this directory
      --log-flush-frequency duration     Maximum number of seconds between log flushes (default 5s)
      --logtostderr                      log to standard error instead of files (default true)
      --master string                    The address of the Kubernetes API server. Overrides any value in kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
      --pprofAddress string              The address for debug (default "")
      --stderrthreshold severity         logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)
  -v, --v Level                          number for the log level verbosity
      --version version[=true]           Print version information and quit
      --vmodule moduleSpec               comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging

2.2 Configure kube-scheduler policy file, and run a kubernetes cluster.

在老版本k8s下运行需要额外配置调度器策略文件 (k8s version < 1.23) Example for scheduler-policy-config.json:

  "kind": "Policy",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "predicates": [
      "name": "PodFitsHostPorts"
      "name": "PodFitsResources"
      "name": "NoDiskConflict"
      "name": "MatchNodeSelector"
      "name": "HostName"
  "extenders": [
      "urlPrefix": "http://<gpu-admission ip>:<gpu-admission port>/scheduler",
      "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
      "filterVerb": "predicates",
      "enableHttps": false,
      "nodeCacheCapable": false
  "hardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight": 10,
  "alwaysCheckAllPredicates": false

在新版k8s环境下部署需要更改KubeSchedulerConfiguration配置文件(k8s version >= 1.23) 详情参阅

Do not forget to add config for scheduler: --policy-config-file=XXX --use-legacy-policy-config=true. Keep this extender as the last one of all scheduler extenders.

3. 集群中单独部署gpu-scheduler调度器

kubectl apply -f ./deploy/gpu-scheduler.yaml
  • Pod使用方法示例
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    nvidia.com/vcuda-core-limit: '20'
    nvidia.com/use-gputype: a10
  name: gpu-pod2
  schedulerName: gpu-scheduler # 这里指定调度器为 gpu-scheduler
    - name: c0
      image: registry.tydic.com/cube-studio/gpu-player:v2
      command: ["/usr/bin/python", "/app/main.py", "--total=1", "--allocated=1"]
          memory: 2Gi
          nvidia.com/vcuda-core: 20
          nvidia.com/vcuda-memory: 1000
    - name: c1
      image: registry.tydic.com/cube-studio/gpu-player:v2
      command: ["/usr/bin/python", "/app/main.py", "--total=1", "--allocated=1"]
          memory: 2Gi
          nvidia.com/vcuda-core: 20
          nvidia.com/vcuda-memory: 2000