
a python script to automate the dreaded bank reconciliation process by automatically highlighting any matching instances found in the user and the bank records.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Automated Bank Reconciliation

This handy little script finds matching instanses between your records (vouchers, transactions etc) to that of your bank, and spits out a new exel (.xlsx) file, with all the matching records highlighted out of the box. you can use this to automate the horrid processs of bank reconciliation which has to happed at the end of almost every month. Once all the instances are highlighted, you can easily filter them out. Saves a lot of Manual Tick-Offs. Saves a Lot of Time!

In order to make this script work you need 2 things:

  • Python3
  • an .XLSX file (with the records)


  • Create an excel file with two sheets. i.e. (sheet_A, sheet_B)
  • copy all of your local records in "Sheet_A" in this format:
Sr Cheque No Amount
1 1234567 500
2 1234 100
3 3124 200
  • copy all of the bank records (i.e gotten from your bank) in "Sheet_B" in the same format as above:-
Sr Cheque No Amount
1 4534634 345
2 1234 100
3 3124 200
  • copy your excel file in the same folder as the script
  • go to cmd -> cd {your_directory} -> bank_recon.py
  • follow the instructions
  • after the script is done, your outfile will have these two rows highlighted since they were the same in both the sheets:
Sr Cheque No Amount
2 1234 100
3 3124 200


  • the order of column matters.
  • You might need to adjust the parameters, if you want to include more records, or
  • switch the position of the columns

Side Note:

  • I have the whole script in exe format, so if you are not concerned with all the technical details. shoot me an email. I will be more than happy to provide you with direct .exe file
  • contatct me at : alifarhad557@gmail.com


  • make the code more modular
  • create a GUI app, may be?

Stuff used to make this:

  • Openpyxl for handling excel files
  • Python 3 - the pure love <3