
SolidJS Star Rating Component

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NPM Version

Solid-stars provides a star rating component for SolidJS.


npm install solid-stars


First things first you need to import the only component available:

import { Stars } from 'solid-stars';

And then you can use it in your project like you normally would for a Component.

You can also configure some behaviours via props. Here's the list:

  • style: it accepts a JSX.CSSProperties object in which you can define the styles you want to override
  • initialValue: if you want the component to have an initial value, you can pass it here as a number
  • maxRating: a number that represents how many stars your component should have
  • disabled: a boolean which, when set to true, prevent any user interaction with the component
  • onClick: it's possible to retrieve the actual rating by passing a function that will be fired when a user clicks on a star.

Known Issues

There are some limitations to the props which I will fix when I can:

  • In the style props, if you pass width, height or font-size, the component will choose the greatest value. It doesn't work with percentages/em/rem or plain numbers, so I recommend to stick with px e.g { width: '100px', height: '40px' }
  • There are no error boundaries so if you pass values of different types from what's intended to have it could cause unexpected behaviours.
  • No tests were made 😔