
Console type game created for CS305 Data Structures UP written in the C language.


The console will try to guess what animal the user is thinking about by asking consecutive yes/no questions to the user. Once the computer runs out of questions, the user wins and the console asks for a new yes/no question. All questions are written into a .txt file at the end of the game and uploaded again every time the game is started. For keeping track of the questions the program uses a binary tree data structure.


  1. Download files: main.c, tree.h and animal.txt.
  2. Go into your terminal and compile using the command: gcc -o game main.c As a pre-requiste you are required to have installed a C or C++ compiler in order to complete the compilation
  3. Type: ./game
  4. Start playing! (Every time you quit the game DO NOT compile again. The .txt file will be saved automatically)
  5. Every time you want to play again JUST repeat step number 3.