#Module NotifyGru Appointment

##Introduction The resource provider (appointment) Appointment NotifyGru makes the link between the task and the Appointment NotifyGru plugin. Indeed, NotifyGru is designed to operate with any implementation of the abstract class fr.paris.lutece.plugins.workflow.modules.notifygru.service.AbstractServiceProvider Itself implements the interface fr.paris.lutece.plugins.workflow.modules.notifygru.service.IProvider which defines the basic methods of providers. ##Implementation

Module Notify Gru Appointment Manager is implemented resource providers (appointment), that is to say, only one instance of a manager provides for each appointment form, a provider instance.This has the consequence of having a property value managerProvider always FALSE to indicate that we have a manager provider instance of this service

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##Provider use

When the task is originally created and the selected provider, the instance of the latter gives the information available via bookmarks.. These bookmarks can be used to set messages or objects of different tabs :

For all appointment forms, we have these common bookmarks :

  • First name of the user ${firstName}
  • User name ${lastName}
  • Email User ${email}

Then we may have additional bookmarks from the built form in each appointment :

  • title field 1 ${reponse_1}
  • title field 2 ${reponse_2}
  • .........
  • title field n ${reponse_n}

When performing the task NotifyGru, the provider instance provides all the necessary information to build the JSON stream.

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