
The next generation of JUnit.

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

JUnit 5

This repository is the home of the next generation of JUnit, JUnit 5.

The project is currently in Phase 4, working toward the first official milestone release.

JUnit 5.0.0-ALPHA was released on February 1st, 2016.


Consult the wiki for details on the current JUnit 5 roadmap.


User Guide

The JUnit 5 User Guide is available online.


The JUnit 5 Javadoc is available online.

Continuous Integration Builds

Travis CI build status

Code Coverage

Code coverage using Clover for the latest build is available on the Jenkins CI server. We are thankful to Atlassian for providing the Clover license free of charge.

A code coverage report can also be generated locally by executing gradlew -PenableClover clean cloverHtmlReport if you have a local Clover license file on your computer. The results will be available in junit-tests/build/reports/clover/html/index.html.

Building from Source

All modules can be built with Gradle using the following command.

gradlew clean assemble

All modules can be tested with Gradle using the following command.

gradlew clean test

Installing in Local Maven Repository

All modules can be installed in a local Maven repository for consumption in other projects via the following command.

gradlew clean install

Dependency Metadata

  • Group ID: org.junit
  • Version: 5.0.0-ALPHA OR 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Artifact IDs:
    • junit-commons
    • junit-console
    • junit-engine-api
    • junit-gradle
    • junit-launcher
    • junit4-engine
    • junit4-runner
    • junit5-api
    • junit5-engine
    • surefire-junit5

See also: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/junit/