
Utilities to compact, copy, fix, analyse Neo4j stores

Primary LanguageJava

Tools to copy Neo4j Stores

Uses the BatchInserterImpl to read a store and write the target store keeping the node-ids. Copies the manual (legacy) index-files as is, please note it performs no index upgrade!

Ignores broken nodes and relationships and records them in target/store-copy.log

Also useful to skip no longer wanted properties or relationships with a certain type. Good for store compaction and reorganization of relationships and properties as it rewrites the store file reclaiming space that is sitting empty.

NOTE: With Neo4j 3.0 there are two different store formats, so you have to provide "enterprise" or "community" as first argument of the call!

Store Copy

copy-store.sh [enterprise|community] source.db target.db [RELS,TO,SKIP] [props,to,skip] [Labels,To,Skip]

Database config is read from neo4j.properties file in current directory if it exists. The provided one contains:


Heap config is in the shell-script, default is:

export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx4G -Xms4G -Xmn1G -XX:+UseG1GC"

Please adapt the settings as needed for your store.

Change the Neo4j version in pom.xml before running as needed. (Currently 3.0.0-M05)

Optionally changeable from the outside with -Dneo4j.version=3.0.0 on the mvn invocation.


Note: It calls under the hood:

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.neo4j.tool.StoreCopy" -Penterprise \
  -Dexec.args="source-dir target-dir [REL,TYPES,TO,IGNORE] [properties,to,ignore] [Labels,To,Ignore]"