
A collection of state-of-the-art Super-Resolution


A collection of state-of-the-art Super-Resolution architectures. e.g. Face Super-Resolution, Image Super-Resolution, Video Super-Resolution, Satellite Imagery Super-Resolution.

Link of datasets

(please contact me if any of links offend you or any one disabled)

Name Usage Num Site Comments
SET5 Test 5 download jbhuang0604
SET14 Test 14 download jbhuang0604
SunHay80 Test 80 download jbhuang0604
Urban100 Test 100 download jbhuang0604
VID4 Test 4 download 4 videos
BSD100 Train 300 download jbhuang0604
BSD300 Train/Val 300 download -
BSD500 Train/Val 500 download -
91-Image Train 91 download Yang
DIV2K Train/Val 900 website NTIRE17
Waterloo Train 4741 website -
MCL-V Train 12 website 12 videos
GOPRO Train/Val 33 website 33 videos, deblur
CelebA Train 202599 website Human faces
Sintel Train/Val 35 website Optical flow
FlyingChairs Train 22872 website Optical flow
DND Test 50 website Real noisy photos
RENOIR Train 120 website Real noisy photos
NC Test 60 website Noisy photos
SIDD(M) Train/Val 200 website NTIRE 2019 Real Denoise
RSR Train/Val 80 download NTIRE 2019 Real SR
Vimeo-90k Train/Test 89800 website 90k HQ videos
General-100 Test 100 website Chao Dong

Person liable

# Name Mail*
19级 Kanghui Zhao 578969495@qq.com
19级 Yuanzhi Wang 906522992@qq.com
18级 Yu Wang 949374585@qq.com
17级 Ruobo Xu 812887279@qq.com
17级 Xiaohui Hao 1041353234@qq.com
17级 Chong Chen chenchongs@live.com
16级 Jiaming Wang wjmecho@163.com
16级 Kangli Zeng kangli.zeng@gmail.com