
An react challenge made for the Software Engineering Discipline at Information Systems B.Sc. in UFPE

Pokemon React App


This project is a simple React application built for a Software Engineering mentoring challenge as part of the Information Systems B.Sc. program in UFPE. The app allows users to search for Pokemon details and view their names, types, and sprite images. It utilizes the PokeAPI (pokeapi.co) to fetch Pokemon data.

Setup and Run

Follow the instructions below to set up and run the application:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone <repository-url>

  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd react-es-challenge

  1. Install the project dependencies using npm or yarn:
npm install


yarn install

  1. Start the development server:
npm start


yarn start

  1. The application will open in your default web browser at http://localhost:3000/.

How to Use

  1. Enter a valid Pokemon number in the input field and click the "Update" button to view details.
  2. The application will fetch the Pokemon details from the PokeAPI and display the Pokemon's name, type(s), and sprite image.
  3. To load more Pokemon names, scroll to the end of the list to trigger infinite loading.


This project was created as part of a challenge for Software Engineering classes by Lucas Florencio de Sousa.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.