- 4
Explorer Won't Select Files
#103 opened by LennyPhoenix - 0
How to add keybindings for when inside nnn?
#102 opened by alienbogart - 0
nnn fullscreen always errors when closing
#101 opened by FabioAntunes - 1
Request: show current file in :Explorer
#100 opened by robrobbins - 4
Feature Request: Implement Split-Specific File Picker with Letter Designation
#98 opened by theTechGoose - 5
Padding around border in neovim 0.10
#99 opened by medwatt - 2
Setting NNN_FIFO variable breaks NnnExplorer
#97 opened by nimaaskarian - 11
- 2
- 5
- 1
NNN preview with tmux working, but preview is still open after pressing 'enter'.
#93 opened by danielgomez3 - 4
Honor the NNN_SEL env var
#92 opened by mapperr - 2
- 5
NnnPicker doesn't show the last time of nnn
#88 opened by medwatt - 13
barbar buffer line lists nnn buffer momentarily
#87 opened by medwatt - 2
- 1
Set nnn to open if running nvim . on a directory
#85 opened by GNOMES - 17
- 1
- 3
Vsplit has different size
#81 opened by beautiful-boyyy - 2
How to make the nnn startup directory be the directory of the current file?
#80 opened by beautiful-boyyy - 3
preselect file when using %:p:h
#79 opened by mattiasbonte - 7
Keybind custom nnn startup command
#78 opened by mattiasbonte - 0
- 4
some quick thoughts on some implementations
#73 opened by haolian9 - 2
- 5
disable quitcd within neovim only
#71 opened by gongfarmer - 3
- 1
Unusual behaviour when using :NnnExplorer
#69 opened by himanshugoswamiii - 8
- 2
- 1
- 14
- 6
starting nvim in a directory with NnnExplorer doesn't show an empty buffer anymore
#65 opened by FabioAntunes - 5
- 3
- 0
- 2
Install as nvim package
#60 opened by dave-kennedy - 8
Built-in actions not working
#58 opened by anjerukare - 3
netrw error when opening nvim in directory
#55 opened by Yutsuten - 6
Buffer is opened up in wrong window if NnnExplorer is executed after tabnew in function
#47 opened by ggustafsson - 2
- 6
- 1
Question, How do I get the plugin to jump to a window if it is already open?
#41 opened by theTechGoose - 2
README with wrong highlight group name
#42 opened by Yutsuten - 1
#40 opened by icher - 3
#39 opened by jinleileiking - 8
Setting to delete buffer when not visible
#38 opened by gzagatti - 0
- 1
`tui-preview` vertical split
#37 opened by CrossNox