Status column plugin that provides a configurable 'statuscolumn' and click handlers.
- 4
Configure default string for sign segment
#145 opened by xyven1 - 1
Neotest signs
#144 opened by vadymbiliuk - 1
Flicker on redraw on/around todo-comments.nvim signs?
#143 opened by gkze - 2
where is fold column?
#140 opened by iHapiW - 1
- 0
Combine fold column and sign column
#142 opened by yochem - 3
- 3
Not able to disable line number for terminal.
#138 opened by 231tr0n - 3
attempt to call global 'StatusCol' (a nil value) error when restoring a session
#136 opened by cameronr - 1
- 3
Click to toggle folds after loading session
#115 opened by jonestristand - 4
Cursor line in statuscol!
#134 opened by horanmustaplot - 1
Disable statuscol in neo-tree
#123 opened by hungvx-dev - 2
Telescope/Neotree disable statuscol
#132 opened by rachartier - 2
Is it possible to customize text in columns?
#131 opened by dimitry-ishenko - 16
0.10 branch added for Neovim nightly
#91 opened by ofseed - 4
Cannot use `text = { "%s" }` with function `condition`
#129 opened by ofseed - 1
Gitsigns click handler doesn't work anymore
#127 opened by ObserverOfTime - 6
- 2
Update issue caused by nvim 0.10.0
#125 opened by PhoenixPtt - 2
How do I use this thing?
#124 opened by miversen33 - 1
Wrong fold column with a floating window
#113 opened by stevanmilic - 1
Question: use linenum color for diag
#120 opened by diocletiann - 2
Not working for legacy sign place
#119 opened by aloknigam247 - 5
Can't make gitsigns appear
#117 opened by patrykk21 - 6
How to change gitsigns place?
#114 opened by iafshinafshin - 3
- 2
lightbulb.nvim not being caught by wildcard
#112 opened by jan-xyz - 0
- 4
Folds are not saved in sessions
#108 opened by niksingh710 - 3
- 2
Why use ffi to get foldinfo?
#105 opened by ofseed - 9
Plugin conflicts with `reactive.nvim`
#101 opened by OXY2DEV - 1
[bug]: SIGABRT when colwidth > maxwidth
#104 opened by OscarCreator - 2
How to get lsp Diagnostic working?
#103 opened by OscarCreator - 4
`auto = true` option only hides the part of the segment that has no matching signs, instead of hiding the entire segment.
#102 opened by dnaik42 - 2
Assertion failed: (itr->x->ptr[itr->i]->parent == itr->x), function marktree_itr_next_skip, file marktree.c, line 1529.
#100 opened by marcoSven - 3
Fold numbers hiding
#99 opened by niksingh710 - 2
Change background color of statuscol
#97 opened by jainvaibhav671 - 1
diagnostic signs no longer show nvim nightly
#98 opened by marcoSven - 2
[0.10 branch] SIGABRT statusline.c:260: stl_fill_click_defs: Assertion `len <= width' failed
#96 opened by serranomorante - 6
- 6
Attempt to index field wtext
#95 opened by petobens - 0
Stable release
#93 opened by dimitry-ishenko - 4
How do I get 1-char-wide sign column?
#92 opened by dimitry-ishenko - 2
`ft_ignore` not work with filetype="alpha"
#90 opened by leonasdev - 2
Refresh fold symbol earlier
#89 opened by petobens - 12
- 1
- 2
How to prioritize displaying diagnostic signs?
#85 opened by waynerv