
Implement Fully Convolutional Networks(FCN) for Semantic Segmentation neural network architecture to detect open space on the road/street in a given image using Python and Tensorflow.

Primary LanguagePython

Road Detection using FCN Semantic Segmentation


This project implement Fully Convolutional Networks(FCN) for Semantic Segmentation neural network architecture to detect open space on the road/street in a given image using Python and Tensorflow. The neural network model is trained on Kitti Road dataset to classify image pixels into two classes "road" and "not road".


Model Architecture

The project follow the architecture from Berkeley's paper Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation. The network is mainly consist of two major components "encoder" and "decoder", which are convolution neural network and transpose/de-convolution neural network, respectively. This application uses a pre-trained VGG-16 convolution neural network for the "encoder" portion to extract the image's features that will be fetched into the "decoder" portion to classify pixels while prevserving the spatial/dimension of the original image's size. The application apply a 1x1 convolution layer to the VGG-16's last layer (fully connected layer) in order to transition/connect the "encoder" layers to the "decoder" portion. The application implement "decoder" portion by create six pair of 1x1 convolution and tranpose convolution layers. The kernel/filter size of the transpose convolution layers are gradually increase by factor of two in order to bring the final tensor ouput to original image size/dimension.

Code Structure

The application is compose of four core functions "load_vgg", "layers", "optimize", and "train_nn".

load_vgg() is responsible for loading the pre-trained VGG-16 model.

layers() is responsible for creating convolution and transpose convolution layers for the "decoder" portion using the tensor output from previous VGG-16 layers.

optimize() is responsible for creating neural network loss function and optimizer. Cross entropy is used for the loss function and Adam Optimizer is used for the optimizer.

train_nn is responsible for executing training steps.

Model Training

The application uses the following hyperparameters to train the model:

-Keep probability: 0.5 -Learning rate: 0.00008 -Epochs: 30 -Batch size: 5

It takes about 15 minutes to train the model on a GPU device.


The training with 30 epochs yield an average loss of about 0.004.

Here are some sample images:

sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4

Setup & Run Information

Frameworks and Packages

Make sure you have the following is installed:


Download the Kitti Road dataset from here. Extract the dataset in the data folder. This will create the folder data_road with all the training a test images.


Run the following command to run the project:

python main.py

Note If running this in Jupyter Notebook system messages, such as those regarding test status, may appear in the terminal rather than the notebook.


  • The link for the frozen VGG16 model is hardcoded into helper.py. The model can be found here
  • The model is not vanilla VGG16, but a fully convolutional version, which already contains the 1x1 convolutions to replace the fully connected layers. Please see this forum post for more information. A summary of additional points, follow.
  • The original FCN-8s was trained in stages. The authors later uploaded a version that was trained all at once to their GitHub repo. The version in the GitHub repo has one important difference: The outputs of pooling layers 3 and 4 are scaled before they are fed into the 1x1 convolutions. As a result, some students have found that the model learns much better with the scaling layers included. The model may not converge substantially faster, but may reach a higher IoU and accuracy.
  • When adding l2-regularization, setting a regularizer in the arguments of the tf.layers is not enough. Regularization loss terms must be manually added to your loss function. otherwise regularization is not implemented.