Test programs that makes many connects to a vip address.
The purpose is fast test of connectivity and load-balancing.
in server mode is started on all targets and then
in client mode is used to do multiple connects towards the
vip address.
Local test (without a vip address);
> mconnect -server -address [::1]:5001 &
> time mconnect -address [::1]:5001 -nconn 1000
Failed connects; 0
Failed reads; 0
your-hostname 1000
real 0m0.049s
user 0m0.070s
sys 0m0.143s
Even though mconnect
is pretty fast it is not a performance
measurement tool since some bottlenecks are likely in mconnect
An image for use in Kubernetes is uploaded to
. You can install it with the provided
manifest. The service address (ClusterIP) can then be
used to access the server;
# kubectl apply -f https://github.com/Nordix/mconnect/raw/master/mconnect.yaml
service/mconnect created
deployment.apps/mconnect-deployment created
# time mconnect -address mconnect.default.svc.cluster.local:5001 -nconn 1000
Failed connects; 0
Failed reads; 0
mconnect-deployment-5897ffb75c-dbgt5 250
mconnect-deployment-5897ffb75c-25cgp 250
mconnect-deployment-5897ffb75c-hl5cp 250
mconnect-deployment-5897ffb75c-gjt5m 250
real 0m 0.16s
user 0m 0.03s
sys 0m 0.13s
The example shows the perfect balancing for proxy-mode=ipvs
. The
name of the service may be different on your cluster.
Output can be in json
. The output is not formatted so for a readable
printout pipe through jq;
> mconnect -address -nconn 6000 -output json | jq .
"hosts": {
"mconnect-deployment-69b454c755-8mkhk": 1500,
"mconnect-deployment-69b454c755-rsdm8": 1499,
"mconnect-deployment-69b454c755-w95k5": 1501,
"mconnect-deployment-69b454c755-w9w6h": 1500
"connects": 6000,
"failed_connects": 0,
"failed_reads": 0,
"start_time": "2018-10-25T14:53:34.652534263+02:00",
"timeout": 8000000000,
"duration": 642530530
./build.sh image
# Manual;
go get -u github.com/Nordix/mconnect
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/Nordix/mconnect
CGO_ENABLED=0 GO111MODULE=on GOOS=linux go build -a \
-ldflags "-extldflags '-static' -X main.version=$(date +%F:%T)" \
-o ./image/mconnect ./cmd/...
strip ./image/mconnect
Some tests requires that traffic comes from many source addresses. It is allowed to assign entire subnets to the loopback interface and we use it for this purpose;
ip addr add dev lo
ip -6 addr add 5000::/112 dev lo
ip -6 ro add local 5000::/112 dev lo
But we must also be able to use these address for traffic on other interfaces;
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.ip_nonlocal_bind=1
Now we can let mconnect
(and other programs that allows the source
to be specified) to use any address from the ranges assigned to the
loopback interface;
mconnect -address -nconn 1000 -srccidr
mconnect -address [1000::2]:5001 -nconn 1000 -srccidr 5000::/112
When running as a server mconnect
can start a http server to listen
to Kubernetes Liveness probes;
mconnect -server -address [::]:5001 -k8sprobe [::]:8080
2018/11/28 14:58:40 K8s Liveness on; http://[::]:8080/healthz
2018/11/28 14:58:40 Listen on address; [::]:5001
The probe address will reply with the hostname and the callers address;
curl http://[::1]:8080/healthz
A http header can be used to emulate a malfunction;
curl -I -H "X-Malfunction: yes" http://[::1]:8080/healthz
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
All subsequent calls to the liveness probe address will return "500"
until the server is restarted by Kubernetes or until a call with the
set to anything except "yes".