
Simple wrapper of Honeybadger

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Simple wrapper of Honeybadger.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hbw'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hbw


By using HBW.notify, you can report error to honeybadger.io if defined?(Honeybadger) is true and raise error if defined?(Honeybadger) is false.

HBW.notify("PaymentConfiguration", error_message, context: { company_id: self.id })


# A. Exception only

## equivalent code using `Honeybadger`
# if defined?(Honeybadger)
#   Honeybadger.notify(ex)
# else
#   raise ex
# end

# B. `error_class` and `error_message`
HBW.notify("PaymentConfiguration", "Empty payment period found in PaymentConfiguration#create_continuous_payments")

## equivalent code using `Honeybadger`
# if defined?(Honeybadger)
#   Honeybadger.notify(
#     error_class: "PaymentConfiguration",
#     error_message: "Empty payment period found in PaymentConfiguration#create_continuous_payments",
#   )
# else
#   raise "Empty payment period found in PaymentConfiguration#create_continuous_payments"
# end

# C. With other options
  "Empty payment period found in PaymentConfiguration#create_continuous_payments",
  context: {
    payment_config_id: id,
    last_payment_id: last_payment.id

## equivalent code using `Honeybadger`
# if defined?(Honeybadger)
#   Honeybadger.notify(
#     error_class: "PaymentConfiguration",
#     error_message: "Empty payment period found in PaymentConfiguration#create_continuous_payments",
#     context: {
#       payment_config_id: id,
#       last_payment_id: last_payment.id
#     }
#   )
# else
#   raise "Empty payment period found in PaymentConfiguration#create_continuous_payments"
# end

notifce_only option

This option is default false.

HBW.notify(ex, notice_only: true)

## equivalent code using `Honeybadger`
# if defined?(Honeybadger)
#   Honeybadger.notify(ex, error_message: "[Notice Only] #{ex.class}: #{ex.message}")
# else
#   raise "[Notice Only] #{ex.class}: #{ex.message}"
# end

HBW.notify("PaymentConfiguration", "Empty payment period found in PaymentConfiguration#create_continuous_payments", notice_only: true)

## equivalent code using `Honeybadger`
# if defined?(Honeybadger)
#   Honeybadger.notify(
#     error_class: "PaymentConfiguration",
#     error_message: "[Notice Only] Notice: Empty payment period found in PaymentConfiguration#create_continuous_payments",
#   )
# else
#   raise "[Notice Only] Notice: Empty payment period found in PaymentConfiguration#create_continuous_payments"
# end

raise_development option

This option is default true. When defined?(Honeybadger) is false and HBW.notify is called, exception is raised by default. By setting raise_development: false, no exception is raised in such situation.

# `exception` is raised
[0] pry(main)> HBW.notify(RuntimeError.new("test error"))
RuntimeError: test error

# `exception` with specified `error_message` is raised
[1] pry(main)> HBW.notify("PaymentConfiguration", "Empty payment period found in PaymentConfiguration#create_continuous_payments")
RuntimeError: Empty payment period found in PaymentConfiguration#create_continuous_payments

# when `raise_development: false` is specified, no exception is raised
[2] pry(main)> HBW.notify(RuntimeError.new("test error"), raise_development: false)
=> nil


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/south37/hbw.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.